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| time — jump |

Unfortunate days


May 10th, 1559


AN ENTIRE year has gone by, seasons have changed and so has my life.

For starters, I and Francis are much better than we were before, I still don't forgive him for everything he has done to me but we both decided that it would be best to get along.

My belly has grown larger and I am in constant need of help, I bump into everything, and I'm still always tired.

But my journey is coming to an end soon, my child will be born in a few days time and I shall have my heir.


AS NICOLAS AND CHARLES EAT THEIR FRUITS, I sit holding my belly tightly reading my book.

I smile softly watching as Nicolas tries to throw berries into Charles's mouth, Nic and Prince Charles have been so close and have treated each other like brothers.

"Nicolas you have to aim for my mouth, not my head!" Charles complains.

"I'm sorry your Highness, " Nicolas says in a posh voice as he stands up and does a low bow to Charles.

And before I know it Charles is chasing after Nicolas with a branch,
I sigh standing up clutching my stomach.

I walk over to the pair angry with them both, "boys calm down!" I shout making them both stop dead in their tracks and turn to look at me with fearful expressions on their faces.

"What have I told you two about fighting like this, " I say folding my arms across my chest.

Nicolas looks down at the ground with shame while Charles puffs out his chest and takes a step closer to me.

"I am a prince, you don't tell me what to do!" He exclaims crossing his arms over his chest as well.

I sigh into a chuckle, "Indeed you are, but I am a queen, and I can forbid Nicolas from speaking to you," I say calmly having no energy to argue with the child.

Charles's arms fall from his chest and his eyes widen, "Oh please don't do that Lina, he's my only friend!" He pleads, making me laugh.

"Then play nice or you won't be playing at all, and besides, Nicolas has French lessons, and I have to be in my chambers by sunset," I explain in a sad tone.

I'm supposed to be confined to my chambers until I give birth but I'm not one to follow the rules, I much rather break the rules.

"Well, when will I be able to play with Nicolas again?" Charles asks eyebrows raised.

I shrug my shoulders gently, "I do not know Charles, and I am sorry for that but I and Nicolas must head back inside and you should too, you know how worried your mother gets," I say, and Nicolas comes over to me and grabs my hand.

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