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I lift my dress and step off the boat as men carry my belongings off the boat, I look around trying to find Nicholas,
"Nichol-" I shout.

"I'm over here!" I turn my head quickly seeing that he is trying to pick up a chest filled with my largest gems and jewels, I call over men to help.

"Nicholas thank you for trying." I giggle, "You know I could have picked it up!" He crosses his arms over his chest in a huff of frustration.

"Of course you could have!" I turn around and he jumps on my back,
"I could have!" I laugh and we walk over to the carriage.


I sit in the carriage with and Nicholas rests his head on my lap, it took us 1 week to arrive back in France,  Francis has written back with happiness and he is perfectly fine with Nicholas. Catherine, on the other hand, disagrees with it completely and hates the idea of me taking him in but what I have learned from my mother is that no one will control me any longer or even try.

The carriage stops and I look out the window because we are still a while away from the palace, "Princess!" The coachman comes rushing to the door opening it.
"What is happening Robert?" I ask worriedly, Nicholas soon wakes up.

"Lina?" I look over to him and pat his head, "Bandits are not far away we have to leave the carriage behind."
My eyes widen in fear and Nicholas clings to me, I look down to see tears falling from his eyes.
"Lina, please don't die." I soon remember that this is exactly how his parents died, I pick Nicholas up and hurry out of the carriage.

"My grace, please take horse," Robert says hurrying taking one of the horses off the lead

I hold Nicholas close to me and I hear men coming and I start to panic, "Forget my gowns and jewels, " I say getting on the horse putting Nicholas behind me.

I turn the other direction and ride off away from the carriage, I turn my head seeing men taking my jewels.


Soon enough we arrive at the Palace late at night I see guards surrounding the estate, I nudge Nicholas who had fallen back asleep, and I get off the horse helping Nicholas off as well.

I skip over to the guards after I pick up Nicholas carrying him, "I am Princess Catalina, move along so I and" I say and the guard's eye me down and scoff, "Move along, we wouldn't want to hurt a pretty lady like you." One of the guards smirks stepping closer to me, I step back disturbed and frustration "I said move!" I shout, the guards push me, and Nicholas back, and I shout and riot.

"I AM THE HEIR TO THE SPANISH THRONE!" I shout angrily and Nicholas moves around in my arms, "Lina, stop yelling im tired!" Nicholas lifts his head and looks around, "Oh! Have we arrive at the Palace?" I smile and lat his back, "Yes, just keep your head down till we go in." I smile as he places his head back down and shuts his eyes dozing off.

I struggle to hold on to Nicholas so I shift his body to my hip and carry him that way, I walk to the guards once more.
"Do you want to be thrown in the dungeons!" The guard shouts, I look down seeing that he had a sword I reach out grabbing it quickly, and before do anything I turn Nicholas's head so he won't see.

I stab one of the guards in the chest and he soon falls to the ground struggling to breathe, I turn to the other one to see him with sword in hand ready to kill me and Nicholas,
I step back stumbling.

The guard tries to hit me but I turn quick and I end up hitting him in the stomach and he falls to the ground in pain soon stops breathing just like the other.

I step over their lifeless bodies and make my way into the palace seeing that they were the only guards watching tonight, "Lina?" I look over and see Nicholas with tears in his eyes, "Are you alright?" I say stopping and placing him on the ground.

"Please don't die and leave me.." I smile and pick him back up, "Never okay..." Nicholas grins and I wipe his tears away, "Now may we please go inside?" I smile and Nicholas nods his head happily.

I hate this chapter-
If this gets deleted it was me.
I did it

I love waffles though
And eggs but only with ketchup.

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