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15th century April 23rd cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris,

Breath in and out Lina.
I kept telling myself that but I obviously know it is not working.

Maria brushes my hair out gently and Inés puts oils on my wrists, "I got your dress, your grace," Catherine my servant says, and she shoo's Maria and Inés away, "You girls know nothing!" Catherine pins my hair up neatly and pats my back, "You'll be just fine." I turn to look at her, "Im not sure about that..." Catherine sighs and places the brush on my vanity.

"When I first met you you were so closed-minded and just wanted to be queen, but look at you now! You have fallen for our prince and even I know it." I grin without even noticing and Catherine and my ladies jump and shout with happiness, "Our Princess has fallen in love!" Susana exclaims.

My cheeks warm-up and I laugh and turn back to my vanity mirror smiling, "but i'd never admit it." I say in a sing-song voice.

"Pass," I say because someone knocks on the door, I look up to see who is it and I see my sister smiling happily,
I dash over to hug her.

"¡Mi queridísima Hermana!" I place a kiss on her head and pull out of the hug, "English." I sternly whisper in her ear, my sister Juliana pull away from me smiling, "I still do not understand why mother is not here."
She tilts her head and raises her eyebrows, "Juliana! This is supposed to be a happy day,  do not speak of bad things or people."

Juliana groans and walls over to my dress, "Mines was much prettier!" She jokes and I laugh, "Yeah, and your dress is worth more than my palace back in Spain!" I said clapping my hands and four other maids come in and my ladies go out, "Help me get into my gown, please." I say smiling.

I did not think I would be happy on the day that I'd give up my freedom, I did not think I would like the prince either but look where I am at now, Francis has Adjusted to Nicolas, Catherine and I are on and agreement to stay away from each other! I am truly happy and im proud to call the French court my home... At least for now, I am.

My sister places my necklace on my neck and my crown on my head,
"Thank you, " I mutter softly as I take a deep breath in smoothing my dress,
"Calm down" I hear a voice whisper in my ear, I quickly turn around and I just see my sister gazing out the window and my servants cleaning up a bit.

I take a glimpse out the window and I see around 10,000 people crowding in, I take a deep breath in and put a smile on my face, "I'm ready." I turn to look at my sister and she smiles.


My ladies are dressed in light pink dresses with pearls around the trim and white lace veils, they walk behind me in a line neatly, Nicholas comes running up to me and I giggle because she trips on his way over to me, "Slow down!" I giggle and get down to his level and Nicholas jumps in my arms and hugs me, "Thank you." Is all he says.

"Thank you, Nicholas, " I say pulling out of the hug and tucking a loose curl behind his ear, "Now go back to the front." I pat his head and stand up as he runs off.

I sigh and fix my stance, "Let's hurry girls." I smile and stand waiting for the doors to open.

"We're here Mi Amor." I hear my dad's voice say and I smile to myself and take one more deep breath in as my life is about to change for the better or so I hope.

The doors slowly open and talking dies down as my lady's grab ahold of my dress train and I slowly walk to the front and I see Nicolas and my sister and I send a wink their way.

As I walk to the front I see Francis grinning happily at me and I smile knowing I have fell in love with him and I'm happy to say I do love the prince of France.

Our little Lina is growing up and letting her walls she spent years building up crumble and it's making me tear up just a bit!

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