1 • arrival

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|please play the song when it says to|


Catalina's POV

"¡No puedo esperar para casarme!"
( I can't wait to get married!)

My sister Juliana states proudly,

" El matrimonio no es un juego Juliana, además solo se casaban para aliados." ( Marriage is no game, Juliana, besides were only getting married for allies) She rolls her eyes at me, I hold my rosary close to my chest and I quietly pray.

I have never touched French soil or.. Met the prince I am to wed that was the agreement my mother made, that and if I want to be the queen of Spain I must marry. It sickens me that my mom doesn't think I can do it unless I have a man beside me.

Our carriage comes to a halt and I hear chanting and a bunch of "Your Majesty" soo I guess we're here.

¡Por fin estamos aquí, Catalina! ¿no estás emocionado, es tu nuevo hogar!
( Finally, we're here Catalina! aren't you excited, it's your new home!)
I look at her with seriousness in my face,

" Juli we must speak English now"
I say in my strong Spanish accent.

"Fine! Calm down your royal Highness" she jokingly bows her head and I laugh just a bit.

" Welcome, Princess Catalina! And Princess Juliana"

Me and my sister hear then look at each other and then, the door swings open and someone places a stool down for me and my sister.

" I guess it's time to shine Princess Catalina"

"I guess so Princess Juliana" I quickly grab her hand and walk not so gracefully out the carriage, Basically I fall and my ladies in waiting laugh oh so much.

I hear someone say
"those girls are no Princesses!"

And well I get irritated! How dare some random commoner talk like that to the future queen!

I stand up and straighten my dress out, then run over to my girls.

"Oh my! Susana, Clara! María, inés!"
The girls instantly bow to me,

"We've missed you so much, Catalina!"
María says

"Oh let's hug!" Susana says as she throws her arm around me then me and the girls hug, but all fun comes to a stop when my mother's carriage arrives. All attention drops from us and goes to her as she gracefully steps out with my two brothers right after her.

" Welcome, the Queen of Spain Ana"

Soon after, Catherine comes out.

"whose that with the king?" I say

"Esa es su amante"
(That's his mistress)
inés whispers but you can still hear her strong Spanish accent

" English please, I'm trying to learn"

"The one language your not mastered in" María jokingly says then Clara taps me on my arm

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