Chapter 43

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The next day Lin drops me off at the airport, it being a double show day for Thayne. As I grab my bag from the trunk he calls my name.



"Do I get to see the dress?"

"Nope," I smile at him and hug him. "I might send a picture to Vanessa though."

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"I'll see you later?" He asks as I close the door.

"Of course, thank you so much for picking me up and dropping me off by the way."

"Of course, I love you Cameron."

"Love you too Lin." I smile at him before turning and walking into the airport. 

I get back to London during the show, like I had predicted. I call a cab and go to the apartment, excited to crawl into bed. Athena runs over as I close the door behind me. I crouch down and pet her for a few minutes before walking to my room.

Sarah comes back about an hour later and knocks at my door. I look up from my phone and smile at her.

"Hey! How was the show?"

"Pretty good. How was your trip?"

"Really amazing. I surprised Thayne for his birthday and then we found where we're going to have the wedding. Oh, I also found my dress."

"Do you have pictures? Please tell me you have them!" She says as she walks in. I laugh and nod, showing her the pictures that Jazzy had sent to me. "That is absolutely stunning! I'm so excited to see it in person!" I laugh again and thank her before she goes to bed.

September 9th 2018

I woke up to a call from Meghan. Hoping that everything is okay, I pick up.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to see if you wanted to meet up tomorrow?"

"Are you back in Ireland?"

"Yep, I'll be in London for a few days to pick something up for my grandmother."

"Definitely! Would you want to see the show? I could probably get you a ticket."

"Sure! I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Absolutely, where do you want to meet?" She gives me the name of a pub and I write it down. "Let's say 11?" I ask, putting the pen down.

"I'll be getting in around 11, how about 2?"

"That works for me, see you tomorrow!" She hangs up and I go to make breakfast.

Sarah and I go to the show and I make sure to grab a ticket for Meghan. I check my dressing room before leaving, making sure that I have my ring, I've forgotten it before.

The next day I leave around 1:30 to meet Meghan. Walking into the pub, I don't see her anywhere.

"Hi, table for two please?" I ask the hostess who nods and taps on her iPad.

"Follow me," she turns with two menus and walks off.

She sets the menus down on a table and I sit. Pulling my phone out, I sent a quick text to Meghan, telling her that I had gotten a table before a waiter walked up.

"Hey there, what can I get for you to drink?"

"What type of teas do you have?"

"Earl grey, turmeric, green, chamomile."

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