To where and back again

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Touya injected Shoto with a quirk cancelling liquid

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Touya injected Shoto with a quirk cancelling liquid.

"What in Almight's name are you doing?" Shoto questioned as his brow rose and head tilted applying to his curious look.

Dabi failed to answer as he continued to fiddle with the boys handcuffs, pausing when it finally unlocked and hit the ground the sound of chains echoing through the humid room. The next sound being nothing different as the first the second cuff released the dual male. Finally, free Shoto shot up taking a slightly unsure fighting stance.

"No need to worry, kid. I'm gettin you outta here." The raven haired male informed before placing his attention on the window. Approaching the glass he signaled the younger male to follow him. Shoto had not moved. Turning back to the teen with a brow rose as he tilted his head to the side to further more expressing his confusion. "You coming, or?"

"How can I trust you?" The two toned male questioned as he stayed put.

"You're such a doof." Touya groaned slouching as he began to get dramatic.

Shoto's eyes widened as he stared at the man. His heart beat gradually sped up, this behavior was so familiar to him and no one, not a single soul, called him a doof but his two older brothers and occasionally his sister. Could this crusty chicken nugget really be who I think this is? No, no that's impossible he couldn't be Dabi of all people, look at him he's a mess! Doh, but so am I.

"-id, kid, hey kid, Sho!" Dabi snapped his fingers in the teens face letting the nickname slip, though it was about time he let his lil bro know.

Shoto did not responded, but the look he gave alerted the other that he had his brothers attention.

"Just trust me, okay? I want you out of my hair. I'm a single, unmarried man I shouldn't have to take care of a child." The scarred man said as he began to push the younger towards the window.

"Single, unmarried, lonely, rude, messy, unintelligent, lack of morals-" The dual teen could go on and on he felt comfortable like it was natural to teasingly insult the male the way one would with sibling.

"Alright, alright," Dabi rolled his eyes putting the male to a stop as they reached the window. "Lets get you outta here," Dabi crouched down slightly as he locked his hands together. "Step on I'll push you up." He instructed as he opened the window, then went back to his previous position.

"Uhm, actually I-"

"That's great kid let's go." Touya interrupted as he grabbed the males waist and lifted the younger allowing him to crawl out, he joined the other. They were on the lower floor so there wouldn't be a long drop, in fact there wasn't even a drop. "This way." The raven haired male led the younger gripping his wrist. A couple turns here, another pair there and Shoto was met with a familiar path. "Alright, kid you're on your own I'm sure you know the way from here." Dabi declared, he stopped glancing down at the younger. For some reason he couldn't let go of his wrist. Taking in a deep breath, the scarred male let go of the teen relocating his hand and ruffling the dual males hair making it even messier than it had been before. "It was nice seeing you, kid. Don't get caught up again, Sho." He said before swiftly turning on his heels and taking his leave not wanting to make this bitter sweet goodbye any longer.

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