Project and pills

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3rd Pov

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3rd Pov

The Dekusquad had all migrated to Shoutos' desk. This squad consists of Momo, Tsu, Jirou(ik she's not rlly apart of that squad but she just wants to chat with Sho atm) Iida, Uraraka, and finally Izuku Midoriya also know as Deku. They were all chatting among each other some trying to chat with Shouto only receiving nods or 'mhm's from the quiet male. Shouto only spoke full sentences to Midoriya.  The silent boy put his folded arms on his desk then rested his head on his arms. The talking died down at his actions as the squad stared at him.

"Hey, babe you ok there?" Momo questioned with concern dosed in her voice(she's gonna call her close friends cute nicknames).

She placed a hand on his duo colored hair stroking it. Momo knew how much Shouto liked head pats more than he knew himself. In that moment everyone realized how tense Shouto was after he closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. Small soft smiles made there way onto the groups faces watching a rare soft Todoroki. Momo squealed a bit watching the small smile appear on Shoutos' face. The squad got quiet as they watched Shouto fall asleep. The quietness from the other side of the room is what got the Bakusquads attention. The rest of the class swarmed over to the sleeping males desk. They all watched in awe even Bakugou was taken back.

"Hmm well what a rare sight." A male with lilac colord hair spoke.

"Indeed." Said the raven haired man.

Aizawa and Shinsuo snuck into the circle as the students were distracted.

"Well, get back to your seats class is about to start." Aizawa said breaking the circle.

Groans were heared as everyone migrated to their seats. I hate to wake him he looks so peacful. Class is starting though. The lilac haired male known as Shinsou said in thought. He knows how it feels to not get enough sleep the bags under his eyes a form of evidence. He mentally sighed and apologized. Gently brushing his hand against the sleeping boys cheek Shinsou easily woke him.

"Gee, you must be a light sleeper." Shinsou said a little surprised at how easily the male woke.

Shouto placed his hands over his eyes with a sigh.

"Tired?" Shinsou asked noticing the males sluggish behavior and bags that formed under his eyes.

Shouto slowly nodded his head as an answer for Shinsou. I need to take my pills I feel like shit. The younger male thought to himself. Aizawa was now explaining what they were going to do for the past two days. Shinsou turned around to listen only hoping Todoroki was listening too.

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