Fun Night Pt3

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Shoutos POV

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Shoutos POV

While everyone fortunately enjoyed the music I played Kiri sparked up a conversation with me.

"Wow man I never expected you to listen to this! We thought you'd listen to classical music or something." He chuckled rubbing his neck slightly.

I rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"Nah, that's so boring." I gave quite the simple. How could they think that though? Psh, I'm not boring, and stuck up like that.

Yea ok sure, buddy.

Fuck off.

"I'd like to thank you for not telling everyone about this morning. It means a lot to me that I can trust you to keep this a secret without having to tell you. Thank you you're such a good person." I truly meant what I said if he had told them about this mornings incident I'd have a panic attack.


Kiri wore a face of confusion, and surprise sending mixed signals making me rather anxious.

You said something wrong

"Hey man it's absolutely no problem! I'm glad to help as a friend, and future hero it's my job to make sure you're okay. I want to make sure you're okay. If you ever need to talk I'm always there, always." The red head finally spoke up his smile wide, and sweet while giving me a thumbs up.

I sighed in relief as I let a little baby smile form on my face. He's going to be a great hero some day I swear! Thanking him again, we headed off to our own groups. Of course Shinsou asked me what that was about. Nosey.

"Just talking about music, psh can you believe people thought I'd listen to classical music? I'm not boring, or old, or lame!" Ok so maybe I half lied we weren't just talking about music, but there's truth in there.

"I can believe it."

"Yami!" I, and Shin chirped in unison.

"I was just kidding geeze!" Yami chirped throwing his hands up in defense.

"Shouto Todoroki!"


I turned around to be met with Iida's 'you are in big trouble mister' face. With a sigh I answered the male now towering over me.

"I am very disappointed can't believe you pulled that stunt! What was being said in that song was not pg13!" Iida began while he included his signature arm movements. He continued, but my fucks have left the chat so I stopped listening.

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