Cheering up a sleepy boy

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Shouto yawned as the group left school grounds he had spent the last night sulking, crying, and listening to negative voices in his head. Shouto was fucking tired . He, and as did they, had scolded the Todoroki for not breaking things off sooner, or never should've fallen for the green haired clod. (Peridot? Anyone? No? Aight.) Basically the teen didn't get a wink of sleep. If the peppermint boy was being honest there was no point in his friends wasting time as they tried to cheer him up. Shouto found himself not worthy enough to even be thought about the fact that their taking time out of there lives to worry about him bothered the male. It felt off to him, and only made him even more determined to keep the Todoroki family secrets to himself in fear of them being too much for his friends to handle, and losing them. Shouto had experienced this a good few times losing his friends hurt like hell, but thinking of losing class 2A really fucked him up. His chest would tighten, breathing would rapidly increase, tears found homes at the corner of his eyes, and he'd just want to bawl. He cursed himself for getting so close with his classmates, but some part of him deep down inside couldn't be happier that class 2A befriended him. A good hour had passed with the group wandering around, Shouto stayed silent unless spoken to. Soon they came across a restaurant for some drinks, Kaminari pointed that out. The peppermint was lost in his thoughts before a certain ash blonde tugged him out.

"What do you want to drink peppermint?" Katsuki spoke his voice holding a softness that was special for Shouto, and only him which warmed the youngers gut.

"Anything is fine." He replied returning the soft voice though it was his usual voice.

"Will a sprite do?" The blonde asked.

"Mhm." Shouto hummed with a close eyed nod.

Together they entered the restaurant. Katsuki was ordering while the group stood behind chatting amongst one another again Shouto was silent. His friends sent concerned glances to the short male which he did not pick up on.

"Just order brat!" The cashier exclaimed catching Shouto's attention.

He watched as the scene unfolds. Katsuki had found a good grip on the cashier's collar as he nearly pulled him to the other side of the counter. Despite the angry aura around him the group noticed the males calm expression to say they were frightened would be an understatement .

"Y-Yes sir! I'll put the order under your name, and call you to get them when there ready!" He nervously said suddenly stroke with fear.

The intimidating male let go of the cowering male infront of him.

"Katsuki Bakugou, right?" He asked quickly placing in the orders.

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