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3rd POV

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3rd POV

Kirishima and Katsuki talked about the situation for a good hour before the older helped come to the conclusion that Eijiro would have to just apologize for keeping the secret and let time mend things by itself. Every one had now eaten dinner and was soundly asleep even Shouto and Hitoshi of course Aizawa was up doing hero stuff but other than that class 1A were some sleeping babies. The night went by quickly to Shouto who was awaken by his alarm at 5:30am. He sighed as he sleepily turned his alarm off and layed their for a five extra minutes. He sat up at the edge of his bed for a good two minutes questioning his life all he wanted to do was sleep. He finally got up and grabbed a change of clothes before entering his bathroom where he removed his previous bandages. The boy showered for 20 minutes before turning off the water stepping out applying creams for bruises and burns and lotion for his soft pale skin then his bandages and finally he did a quick skin care routine on his face before putting his clothes on. Shouto brushed his teeth and hair then put on his clear contacts and putting on cologne before leaving the steam filled bathroom. The two toned boy threw his previous clothes in a dirty clothes bin before placing on shoes grabbing his duffle bag filled with things he would need for returning home finally he grabbed his phone kissed his plushies forehead before saying goodbye to it and his room as he left to the common room. It was now 6:20am and he didn't have to leave until 8:30am and now he was questioning why he got up so fucking early. Sighing to himself he shook his head in disapproval before heading to the kitchen for his stomach had been eating at him for a while. He decided on having an apple and his morning coffee and another placed beside his as he scrolled through his phone going through Instagram and Twitter and even TikTok. The corridor suddenly opened catching the peppermints attention and in came Mr. Aizawa. Neither were surpised to see each other it was like tradition now to find each other this early on a Saturday morning and at this point they'd be worried if they hadn't seen the other. Aizawa came over to collect his coffee made by Shouto they nodded at each other acknowledging their existence neither wanted to be up this early especially on a got damn Saturday morning but they've got responsibilities. Aizawa being a pro hero watching the streets at night when most heros go to rest, Shouto had to protect his sister and put up with their sperm doner he took the mans rath so no one else had too, the stupid bastards like fucking Reck-it-Ralph on yours and your grandmas drugs. It was now strolling onto 7am as the two males sipped their coffee having a silent conversation. Eijiro and Katsuki were now heading out on a morning jog as were an energetic Hagakure and a sleepy Mina. They all said their 'hellos' and 'goodbyes' as they left. Upon finishing his apple and throwing the remains away he searched through his duffle bag to be sure he had everything he needed he remembered he had run out of pills. He thought about whether or not to alert his father but he decided on not doing that in an attempt to take care of himself those pills only made him feel shitty then nothing then needy when they wore off he was tired of it. Shinsou came slumping down the stairs minutes later with Tokoyami mocking his movements. They entered the kitchen greeting the other two as they got themselves breakfast. Light chatter was made as time passed by Shouto would visit the conversation a few times when the time hit 7:45 he decided he would wait outside for the rest of the time. Nearly 2 hour went by and he was still waiting for his father to pick him up the fucking bastard couldn't even pick his son up like he said he would and he calls Shouto useless. Said boy finally decided he would walk home it wasn't too long of a walk with his music playing and just being stuck in a fantasy his brain came up with. He stepped into his house taking out his airpods and turning off his music. His sister was at a friends house she would do that often to stay away from the person she once called father. Loud, heavy, angry footsteps were heard coming from the hall heading down to the youngest Todoroki, but there was something off about those foot steps an off that was familiar to Shouto. An angry pink cheeked drunk Enji marched down the stairs and right up to his son with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. Shouto felt himself get smaller from the dominant male towering him with his scowl that could challenge Katsuki and Mitsuki Bakugou.

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