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Shoutos POV

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Shoutos POV

"That reminds me! Get some snacks time to go." Shinsou spoke as he hopped off the couch heading for the freezer, and pulling out a tub of ice cream while grabbing three spoons.

Yami followed Shin's orders as he dragged himself into the kitchen, and picked three different types of chips from the pantry.

I missed these two.

Sighing as I got up I quickly made my way to the kitchen, and grabbed popcorn from the pantry then throwing it in the microwave. Finally, starting the device to make the so called 'delicious' treat for my dearest friends.

Imagine how father would react if he knew I had friends now, oh a boyfriend he wouldn't hesitate to take my life. I thought to myself. He'd definitely do a number on me. I let out a sigh as I slouched forward a bit.

"Why me, huh? What am I supposed to do?" I asked quietly hoping no one heard me as I looked up to the sky hoping some God would answer me.

All I got was the beeping of the microwave that basically jump scared me. I quickly took out a big bowl to pour the popcorn in before taking the popcorn out of its prison cell, and pouring it in the bowl. After that I threw another pack in so the bowl was completely full at the moment it was half way full. I let my thoughts consume me once more.

Could I actually tell anyone about my life? No Enji would beat the brakes off me.

How can I help Fuyumi? Tell her to move out?

Could that actually work? If she's out of that hell hole father can't get to her.

Is Touya still out there? Find out

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slightly jumped at the alarming noise. Quickly taking out the popcorn, and emptying it in the bowl. I looked in the fridge for drinks, and found myself with a pack of cokes. Me, and Yami met up with Shin at the door he had a look of satisfaction with our chosen snacks.

"You guys leavin early?!" I heard Kami's voice. I turned back to nod at him.

"Yea, I'm basically being kidnapped." I replied raising my voice a little, but no where near a threatening level. I know I agreed to go I did, but didn't.

"Have fun!" He chirped waving us goodbye as we began the journey to Shinsou's dorm I gave him a simple wave before I vanished from his view.

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