Chapter 1

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Anthony's POV

I wake up and slam my alarm clock. "Fuck, I don't feel like getting up.." I rub my eyes as I think about the day ahead of me. Man, I can't believe I have the chance to meet Lin...I remember seeing him in 'In The Heights' in college... A call from my mom snaps me back to reality. "Anthony!" Ma said. "Yes, Mama?", I replied. I knew what she was calling about. "Anthony, baby, you have to wake up for your audition." "I know, I'm up Ma." She never let me be late for any of my auditions, ever. "Okay, good, drink water and break a leg!" "Gracias, Mama." (Translation: Thank you, Mother) "You're welcome, mijito." (Translation: My son) I hung up the phone and immediately got ready. I showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and did my hair. When I looked at the time I screamed, "FUCK, I'M GONNA BE LATE!" I grabbed my shoes, an apple, and my bag and ran out the door.

Jasmine's POV

I woke up this morning to long locs all over my face. Great, Kaia must have slept over last night. Kaia is my best friend since Kindergarten. She has a key to my apartment, so sometimes she comes in late at night and passes out in my bed. I look at the clock and see the time, 5:00AM, I realize I woke up an hour earlier than I set my alarm clock to go off. I got up, took a long, hot shower, ate some breakfast, and got ready. By the time I was done, It was 5:50. I figured I had a solid 10 minutes for meditation before I had to leave. I'm so happy I finally landed an audition, even if it was for something as stupid as this project called, "The Hamilton Mixtape". It seems odd to say the least to mix rap and history, but the music sounds amazing and I can't wait to see how everything plays out.


By the time I finish my meditation, I realize that if I don't leave now, I'm going to be way later than I already am. I get up, grab my phone, keys, and wallet and run out of the apartment. While I'm doing my audition, I mess up a few times. They tell me that it's fine and that I'm doing amazing. A curly haired man on the piano leads me to a room in the back, and writes out the part for Peggy on a napkin. I guess they want to see how versatile I am. I go home to find that Kaia has, "invited a guest to the bedroom". I immediately leave and go to the coffee shop.


Two weeks have passed since my audition and I still haven't heard from Lin and the creative team. Immediately as I finish this thought, I get a call. It's Lin calling to inform me that I got the part. As soon as I hang up I jump up and down, squealing with excitement. I get a bunch of notifications. I look at my phone to see that I have been put in a group chat with the other cast members.


A.RAMOS: What's up y'all!

P.SOO: Hiiiii! What are guys' names? I want to save them as contacts!

D.DIGGS: Right! Let me know! I mean, of course, after time it'll change.

A.RAMOS: True, well I'm Anthony. 'Gents, call me Ant. Ladies, call me anytime.😉

P.SOO: ANYWAYS. Hi! I'm Pippa

D.DIGGS: I'm your friendly neighborhood Oak-boy, Daveed.

J.C.JONES: Hey y'all! I'm Jasmine.

R.E.GOLDSBERRY: Hii! I'm Renée.

L.M.MIRANDA: Hello, hello! I'm Boss Man Lin!

O.ONAODOWAN: The name's Onaodowan. Oak Onaodowan.

D.DIGGS: I already love Oak just for that.

O.ONAODOWAN: What can I say? Not just a pretty face. 😉

L.O.JR: Anyways, moving on. I'm Leslie Odom Jr.

C.JACKSON: I'm the general! Christopher Jackson at your service.

A.RAMOS: As in Benny? In The Heights?

C.JACKSON: My cover has been blown.


C.JACKSON: Damn, kid! That was like 5 years ago! You're young!

L.M.MIRANDA: I think we got everyone's introduction.

J.C.JONES: Hey, Lin? What does the 'M' next to the group chat name mean?

L.M.MIRANDA: This is the chat for the main cast. There's one for the ensemble also but you'll meet them at the first table read.

Slowly, we all started talking more and became great friends. The next thing we know, it's the first table read. We all get there early except for a few guys. As I wonder where they may be, three men simultaneously run in. I scan them and notice him. Holy. Shit. This handsome ass man is standing across the room, staring back at me. I didn't realize I was staring at him until I was shaken by my fellow cast mate and Schuyler Sister, Renée.

"What are you looking at?", she said mischievously. She knew exactly who I was drooling over, yet I still decided to deny, deny, deny.

"I'm not looking at anyone, I just got lost in thought that's all." I turn to leave but then realize that I've bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." When I look up I see the boy from across the room standing in front of me.

"It's fine," he chuckled, "I'm Anthony.", he said, all the while smiling awkwardly. I giggled at this and shook his hand saying, "Jasmine, nice to meet you." Before he could reply and before I could melt into a puddle of embarrassment, Lin called everyone to sit down.

Anthony's POV

On my way to The Public, I encountered my friends from the workshop, Daveed and Oak. We decided since we were going the same way, we'd just go together. As soon as we walked in, Daveed started talking to Lin and Chris, it's almost like he know them for years. Oak, went off and started talking to Groff and Leslie. I just stood there, alone, scanning the room desperately for anyone to talk to. That's when I see her, Oh. My. God. My jaw hit the floor. I locked eyes with a beautiful woman. She had this odd pull that made me want to know so much more about her.

I was snapped out of my trance when Lin started speaking. When I glanced at Lin and looked back for the girl, I couldn't see her. I decided to go and find out who she is, being that she wasn't at the workshop. As soon as I went to tap her, she turned and ran right into me. It was then I realized that she not only was shorter than me, finally, but I also realized how she's even more beautiful up close.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Her eyes slowly trailed up my chest and then they met mine. I grinned and said, "It's fine," I chuckled, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous I was. "I'm Anthony." I put on my best smile and stuck out my hand. I deeply hoped she didn't notice how awkward I was but I knew she knew.

"Jasmine, nice to meet you." she said as she shook my hand and giggled. Wow her hands are so soft..Before I could open my mouth to say another word, Lin called everyone to sit down so we could start.

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