Chapter 13

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Anthony's POV
During our break, Jas and I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. I woke up to see Sandra in the room with a gun. "What are you doing? How did you get back here?", I asked. "Don't worry about that. Get up, don't wake her.", Sandra said. I stood up slowly. "Slowly walk towards me.", she said. I slowly walked up to Sandra until I was close enough to feel her breathing. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "I want you." she said. "You can't have me." I said. She walked behind me, stuck the gun in my back, and said, "Walk. To the stage. Now." Please be someone on the stage. I hesitated, looking at Jasmine. "She'll be fine here. I promise. I'm only here for you.", she said. We slowly headed to the stage and luckily, half of the main cast was on the stage. When they saw me and Sandra, they gasped. "You guys, I have to go. Tell Jas I said, 143.", I said.

I started to walk back, but realized Sandra wasn't moving. "You're going to be with me, or you're going to die. In front of all of your friends.", she said. Everyone gasped. "Sandra. We're never getting back together." I said. "Well then I guess you're going to have to die.", she said, lifting the gun to my head. "That's not gonna happen." I turned and ducked, thinking she'd shoot. When she didn't hear a gunshot, I realized the gun was jammed. I took this as a chance. I grabbed the gun, removed the clip, and broke it. "Leave. Now. You have a five minute head-start before we call the cops, starting four minutes ago.", I said. When Sandra ran, I went back to the dressing room to check on Jas. When I got back, she was still laying there, asleep. I picked her up, walked back out to the stage and said, "We're gonna head home." "Yes. Please. Come back when you're ready.", Lin said.

I carried Jas home, wedding style. Half way home, she woke up and said, "Where are we? Why are we outside? Why aren't we at the theater? Ant, baby, what's going on?" "Everything's okay. I'm sorry, everything's okay.", I replied. I knew I was crying, but I had to convince her that everything was okay. "Baby, you're crying. What the fuck happened?", she asked. How the hell am I supposed to be an actor when I can't even put on a front for a woman I see every day. "Nothing happened, Jas, leave it alone.", I said. "No. Stop. Put me down.", she said. I put her down and she started to walk away. I grabbed her arm and said, "Where are you going?" "I'm going home. You're not going to tell me what happened, we aren't going to walk home together. You can find yourself on the couch tonight, too." she said.

"Okay. Would you like for me to tell you right now? Cause I'd love to tell you how my ex just held a gun to my back and threatened to kill me if I didn't leave you for her. But hey, the couch'll do my back more justice then a gun, right?", I yelled. I shouldn't have yelled at her. I stood there and stared at her while she just comprehended everything. "If I ever not tell you something, it isn't because I don't care. It's because I'm either doing it to protect you, or because there are too many ears around. Now, I'm going home." I said. I shouldn't be so damn mean to her. "Anthony, wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad when I didn't know the whole story.", she said, pulling me back. I picked her back up and continued to carry her home.

When we got home, Sarah and Ariel were gone and her mom was sleeping on the couch. I went to put Jasmine down, but she clung to me, so I carried her upstairs. We didn't even change out of our clothes, we just laid there, holding each other. "Jas? Are you still up?" I said. "Yes, what's wrong baby." Something about the way she said baby told me she cared. "I love you and I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have-", I said. "Shhh, it's okay. I know, I know. Just next time, tell me that you'll tell me when we get home. That way, I don't have to worry about what you're hiding from me. Like I said when we first started dating, communication is key and if we aren't communicating, I don't know what's happening. Why didn't you wake me up? I went to sleep and we were fine, I woke up in your arms and we were outside and you were crying.", she said. "I had to protect you every way I know. I love you and I wouldn't wake you up to bring you into danger.", I said. At this point, the both of us were crying.

I lifted her head and kissed her. I didn't know how to stop us from balling our eyes out, so I did what I knew best. Be goofy. I jumped up, ran out of the room, grabbed some liquor and cups, and ran back upstairs. I poured us some drinks and did my best to cheer her up. By the end of the night we were heavily drunk. "Babyyyyy", I slurred. "Yes, my love." she replied. "We need to go skinny dipping." I said. "Yessss. Call Renée and tell her skinny dip." I somehow managed to called Renée. "Hello?", she said through the phone. "Hi, baby. Me and my wife would like to know the best places to go skinny dipping." I said. "Baby? Wife? Skinny dipping? Are you guys drunk?", she said, laughing a bit. "Nooooo", I said through a burp. "We totally are.", Jas said. "I'm coming.", Renée said. She hung up and Jas and I went on talking. "You're very pretty.", I said. "And you have pretty eyes, and soft lips, and beautiful hair, and I like your hair on your face.", Jas said. "You have soft lips too. I'm gonna kiss them now.", I said. I got on top of her and kissed her slowly and softly. I slid my shirt off and went back to kissing her. Her lips are really soft..

Renée ran in and said, "What are you guys doing?" "I'm kissing my wife, duh.", I said. "Okay, time for the two of you to go to bed.", Renée said. She'd always been the mom of the groups. "Noooo, sleep sucks. Sex is better.", Jas said. I agreed and went back to kissing her. "No. No, no. You're gonna end up naked and covered in throw up. Don't make me separate you two." she said. I looked up, picked Renée up, put her to down in the hall, closed the door, and locked it. She somehow opened it, pulled me back out, and put me on a blow up bed. She locked the bedroom door so Jas and I wouldn't get together. That was the first night since I started dating Jas that I wasn't sleeping by her side.

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