Chapter 29

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While they were lying down in bed, Jasmine felt a sharp pain, but didn't say anything so she wouldn't worry Anthony, figuring it was Braxton Hicks. In a few seconds, Anthony said, "Jas, did you piss the bed?" Her eyes widened and she immediately pulled the covers off and screeched. In between her legs, blood. From the stress of life plus the worry of a miscarriage, she passed out.

When she woke up, she was in the hospital. "ANTHONY?! ANT?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" She screamed for him for a few minutes until a nurse went and got him. After a while, he came in.



He hugged her, softening his hug to a slight grunt of pain. The doctor came in and said, "Good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?"

"Good.", I said.

"You were having twins, yay!" Our mouths dropped open. Two babies...woah...wait...she said were...Jasmine thought. "Ma'am, you said were?", Anthony said.

She nodded and said, "The bad news. You had a miscarriage.", the doctor paused. A tear strolled down her face at the thought of ripping not one, but two babies from this world. "But, you only lost one of the babies. The other baby has a 90% chance of being born prematurely. This number can go down if Jasmine can gain 50 pounds by her due date. She's extremely underweight, regardless of whether she's pregnant or not. I'll leave you two to grieve and discuss.", she stood up and leave. As soon as she left, Jasmine turned her head into Anthony's chest and cried. She rubbed her belly and said, "I'm sorry bub, I lost your's all my fault I couldn't hold onto them. It's okay, you still have Nala.."

"Jasmine, can you stop blaming yourself?"

"You heard her, Ant, I'm 50 pounds underweight."

"What is it with you? First you think you're fat, now you think you're too skinny? Jasmine, you're perfectly fine! All you have to do, is worry about the baby and gain as much weight as possible over the next few months!"

"It's not that easy, Ant! I already worry about bubs and this miscarriage isn't making things easier! You, especially you, aren't making things easier right now!"

"How's that? Why am I not making things easier?"

"STOP YELLING AT ME! I hate you! I should've never slept with you! Now look at me! Hormones driving me mad! I cant even hold onto my own child, Ant! I'm a big, ugly mess and I don't even deserve to be having this baby!" They say in silence and her words lingered. "I'm going for a walk..", Anthony said, a tear streaming down his face. "Ant, wait..."

"Jas, do you even love me anymore? I don't know, it seems like you don't. You treat me like such shit sometimes and it makes me wonder.."

"Anthony, of course I love you...I shouldn't have said what I said, I didn't mean it. I'm happy to have these...this baby with you..", she said, sitting on his lap and wiping his tear. He turned red as more tears streamed down his face. They lied there, cuddling, until she was discharged.

The ride home was quiet and soulless. When they got into the house, she just sat down in the nursery and stared at the wall. She was out of it. Anthony walked in and offered her some food, but she turned it down. He went to sit with her, but she just asked to be alone. He left and came back with a mattress. "Anthony, what the fuck."

"Either we're going to talk about this in here, or in our room. But, Jas, please don't suffer in silence." She sighed and lied down on the mattress, staring at the ceiling.

Jasmine's POV
I'd felt numb at this point. I stood up, took my clothes off, and lied back down. I curled into a ball, and fell asleep. When I woke up, Anthony was on the floor next to me. I couldn't believe I'd had a miscarriage. 

The next day, Gregory came over. "Hey, Jas. Ant told me what happened, how are you feeling?" I shot a glare at Anthony and said, "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're not eating. Jasmine, if you want to do better, at least try to gain the weight you need to."

"What's the point?"

"For the life of the remaining baby! Trust me when I tell you, you don't want a premie."

"Greg, I just.."

"Don't argue, eat.", Gregory said, motioning for Anthony to make something for her to eat. Anthony came back with some soup. Lifelessly, I ate the soup. I lied back down and went back to glaring at the wall.

"She needs a therapist.", I heard Gregory tell Anthony. I sighed and got up to use the bathroom. When I did, I collapsed.

Anthony's POV
When Jasmine got up, she immediately collapsed. I immediately ran to her side, making sure she was okay, then making sure the baby was okay. "Call the police, she isn't breathing.", I yelled. Gregory dialed 911 and within 5 minutes, the ambulance was here. They carried Jasmine out and I went numb.

Renée's POV
When I got the call that Jasmine passed out, I rushed to their house. Luckily, I got there at the same time as the ambulance. As the carried her out, I looked at Anthony. He was out of it. I ran up to him and just hugged him. "It's going to be okay, get in the ambulance." I tossed Gregory the keys to my car and directed Anthony to the ambulance.

On the ride there, Anthony lost it. He started to cry and blame himself, but I wouldn't let him. When we got to the hospital, Anthony and I were allowed in. We sat down and they told us how she was minorly malnourished and a little dehydrated. The stress and dehydration caused her to pass out and the malnourishment caused her to stop breathing. I looked over at Anthony, and he was crying.

"Is she alive?" The doctor nodded. "Will she make it?" The doctor nodded. "Will the baby make it?"



Y'all, a lot has happened. But I'm just gonna say, NOT EVERY PREGNANCY HAS TO END BAD. And so, I'll leave you with that little clue..

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