Chapter 14

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WARNING : This Chapter came from KatrinaKamel !!

Jasmine's POV
When I got to work today, I was pretty excited. We were going to try on new costumes and do more work on the turntable. But, when I got there, Pippa, Groff, and Renée just looked at me sadly. "What's...going on?" I asked, scared of the answer. "Oh, she doesn't know. Poor thing. Sweetie, take a look at this." Groff said, handing me his phone. My mouth hit the floor. It was a picture on Instagram of Anthony kissing someone else. It isn't even old, he was wearing that same outfit yesterday and his hair was the same, so I knew it was relevant. I handed Groff the phone back and just sighed. "Are you okay?", Pippa asked, rubbing my back. "Yeah, I'm fine. I figured this day would come sooner or later." I replied. I lied. I never thought this day would come. Ever. I'd always thought he'd be the one guy to not cheat on me.

"When I see him I oughtta-", Pippa started. "I said it's fine. Leave it alone." I said. When we started practice, we noticed Anthony, Daveed, and Emmy hadn't shown up yet. "Where is Anthony and Demmy?" Lin asked. "Anthony's being a punk ass bitch and Demmy is off doing whatever the hell they want." Renée said, angrily. I put a hand on her arm and stroked it, telling her to calm down. When she finished saying this, Anthony ran into the theater. I glared at him, walked up to Lin and said "I'm going home early." He nodded, realizing the situation. I walked up to Anthony and when he started to say something, I grabbed his arm and lead him to the dressing room. I pushed him down on a chair and said, "You've got five seconds. Start."

Anthony's POV
This morning, before work, I decided to get Jasmine her favorite breakfast. I went out, got the breakfast, but when I got back, there was a note on the door. I read it. Close your eyes when you come in. I made something for you. It's a surprise. I love you, Jas. I smiled, closed my eyes, and opened the door. When I opened the door, I was met with a kiss. I quickly realized it wasn't Jasmine because when I put my hands on her hips, they were different. They felt like Sandra's hips. Wait, this isn't Jasmine. It's Sandra!! By the time I went to pull back, it was too late. I noticed a flash. No, no, no! They had taken a picture of us kissing. "Don't you dare do anything with that photo!" I yelled. "Too late. Already posted. Cry about it." her friend said. "Be nice. I knew you missed me baby, I could tell by the way you kissed me." Sandra said. Oh, if only she was a guy, I'd beat her ass for this. "I kissed you that way because I thought you were my girlfriend. You're my ex and you will forever be my ex." I yelled. "Where's Jasmine? I need to find my girlfriend." I said, composing myself. They looked at each other, confused, and said, "The house was empty when we got here.", her friend said.

I went to run out, but I realized something grab me and pull me back. When I looked, the friend who had taken the picture, Maya, had put me in a chair and tied me to it. I realized how they got in, when Jasmine's friend, Kaia, ran down the steps. "What? Kaia?! Why are you doing this?!", I asked. "Because Jazzy always picks the good ones, so I figured, if I broke the two of you up, I'd have a chance with you. Besides, she stole you from me!", she yelled, straddling me. What is wrong with her? "Oh, my gosh what is wrong with the two of you?! Sandra. We used to be together in college. We're never getting back together. Kaia. You flirted with me in a Starbucks while I was interested in Jasmine. I was never even with you and I never flirted back. We will never be together. Will someone just let me go and find my girlfriend?!" I said. I knew what I was saying was going in through one ear, and out another.

After about an hour, they let me go. I immediately ran to The Richard Rodgers. I ran into the dressing room and saw nobody there. I ran into the theater (like the room with the stage) and saw everyone except for Daveed and Emmy. Jasmine looked at me, whispered something to Lin, and started walking out. "Jasmine, I-", I started, but was cut off by her grabbing my arm and dragging me to the dressing room. She pushed me down onto the chair and said, "You have five seconds. Start." I explained everything as fast as I could and watched her expression go from angry, to confused. "What? Why would they...wait, did you say Kaia was there? What did she say to you?", she asked. "She basically said that you stole me from her and that you always picked the good ones." She hugged me.

"I'm gonna be right back, I have to walk Janthony", she said with a murderous look in her eye. I realized that she was planning on doing something violent and said, "Jas, it's fine, I'm fine." "Okay. I'm calm, I'm calm.", she said, sitting back down. When she sat down, she tapped her foot for a bit, then got up and ran. When I realized, she was already in the hall. I got up and ran after her. "JASMINE. DONT DO ANYTHING THAT'LL GET YOU ARRESTED, I DONT HAVE NO MONEY TO PUT ON YOUR COMMISSION." I chased her out of the theater. "Where are you going?!" I asked, following her. "Home." she said. That's not so bad. But then I realized that by, home, she meant to her old house. "Baby-" I started. "Shut the fuck up, Anthony." she said.

When we got there, she kicked the knob and it opened. The fuck she think she is, SWAT? She walked in and I grabbed her arm, "What are you about to do?", I asked. "Nothing much, just ask her why.", she replied. "Jas, I told you why.", I said, letting her go. "I want to hear it from her.", she said. She whispered something under her breath and went to the room Kaia slept in. She kicked the bed and said, "Wake up, bitch you ain't sleep." Kaia sat up and said, "Hey, Jazzy, what's up?", not knowing I was listening in. "Really? You don't think he'd tell me? I thought we were friends. I've known you since Kindergarten and I've never seen you do something so damn evil.", Jas said.

"I just wanted a bag. Why don't we just team up? Cmon! Get rich, hot guys to fall in love with you, get a bag out of him, then leave! It's not like it's illegal.", Kaia said. My mouth hit the floor. Please don't team up with her, baby, please. "1. Anthony isn't rich. He's just another, common guy that I happen to love. You just don't want to see me happy, you never have. 2 After what you did, I will never ever do anything with you.", she said. Yes! Yes, yes, yes! "What happened to chicks before dicks? You just met this guy, I've known you since Kindergarten, you've known this guy for an hour and you're choosing him over me?! Wow, Jasmine.", Kaia said.

I heard the floor creak, meaning one of them was walking around. "First off, don't get it twisted. He isn't just his dick, he's a person and I love him. Secondly,-", Jas started. "Bitch, stop counting you know you failed math.", Kaia said. I heard a hit and went to run in. "BITCH DONT INTERRUPT ME. As I was saying, I'm choosing him because I've had enough of you and your shit! You took Adam from me and when you got pregnant, you ran off with him, then gave the baby away! What the fuck was the point of that?! I should've never let you back in! You're so fucking toxic!", Jas said. What. The. Fuck. Now I knew the whole story. I walked into the room and said, "Jas. Let's go." Kaia looked me up and down and waved.

Jasmine shook her head and said, "Nah, I'm not done with her. Get the fuck up.", Jasmine said. "Jas, let's just go. She isn't worth it.", I said, trying to pull Jasmine out of the room. Damn, she's strong. "NO.", she said, pushing me back and pulling Kaia out of the bed by her hair. "IF YOU EVER, TRY TO COME, NEAR ME, OR MY MAN, EVER AGAIN, YOU'RE  GONNA FIND YOURSELF, SIX, FEET, UNDER. DO YOU HEAR ME, BITCH?!", Jasmine said, hitting Kaia between words. Kaia nodded her head and sat up. When I looked at her, she had a bloody nose and a black eye. Jasmine grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house saying, "Let's go, now."

When we got home, I sat down on the couch and Jas sat down next to me. Five minutes of silence. Our silence was broken when we heard a knock on your door. "Get behind the couch, it may be one of the girls.", I said. She shook her head and opened the door.

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