Chapter 25

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OKAY! So for the point of the story, Jasmine has a younger sister that's 2! They're really close and this entire time up until now, the sister, Sierra (or as they call her, SiSi), has been in England visiting Kim, their mother. Also, because I don't want any confusion:

example: Narrator's Words/Thoughts
example: Speaking with Emphasis
example: Character Thoughts
example: Usually Used for Group-chat Names
example: Translations

On with the story!


When Jasmine and Anthony got to work, they were happy to see that Renée and Lin hadn't told anyone yet. Jasmine gathered Emmy, Gregory, and Phillipa into her dressing room and showed them the test. Anthony did the same with Daveed and Chris.

"I'm pregnant."

"She's pregnant."

Phillipa's mouth dropped, Gregory screamed, and Emmy just hugged Jasmine. Anthony ran in and said, "Hey, if we want to pick her up on time, we gotta get going."

"Okay, sorry to drop all of this on you guys but I'll be back!"

"Okay, congrats!"

"Oh, and please don't tell anyone yet."

"Of course, go."

They all hugged and Jasmine, Chris, and Anthony all went to the airport. When they got there, a little girl that was an exact replica of Jasmine ran up to Anthony.


"Hi, Sisi! Oh, you're getting so big!"

"I'm only two!!"

"Two's big!"

"Hi, Bird!"

"Hi, Sisi. Guess what?"


"You're gonna be an aunt."

"But I don't wanna be an ant!"

"No, that's an insect. I'm having a baby, Si.."

"Ohhh, you don't look like you're having a baby."

"Good genes. Let's go."


When they got to the theater, they set Sierra up in a little corner of Jasmine's room. "Do you want to come to Puerto Rico with me?", Anthony said randomly.


"Puerto Rico. I'm going in a few days and I want to take you with me. I have three tickets so if you want, we can take SiSi."

"This is a lot. You said a few days, how come you didn't tell me about this sooner?"

"I've been busy planning but now everything is set."

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