Chapter 4

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Jasmine's POV
It had been a week since the moaning incident and nobody else knew aside from Daveed , Oak, Groff, Pippa, and Renée who took every living chance to make fun of Ant and I for it. I got to work and I was surprised to see Anthony early. I walked up to him, grabbed his face, tilted it to the right and left and said "I like your haircut." and walked away. I could hear the boys acting childish, then stopping and realizing he actually did get a haircut and complimenting him on it. I was confused as to why Ant was avoiding me, usually whenever he comes in, he comes by our room and says hi, then goes to his room. I just ignored it and kept walking.

When I got to the dressing room, Renée, Pippa, and Groff were sitting down. As soon as I walked in, they all asked how my date went. I was so confused. They then explained to me that a man had come in, claiming to be my boyfriend looking for me after our date night. I grew angry, immediately knowing who they were talking about. Adam. Shit. My thoughts perfectly matched the kind of guy he was. I ran out of the room, grabbed Anthony, dragged him to my dressing room and pushed him in. I ran back out to Daveed and Oak who were obviously just humping the walls, and grabbed them and pushed them in too. I didn't know how to explain to them the situation, but I knew I had to try.

"Listen. The guy who came by isn't my boyfriend. He's my ex. We dated for 5 years, then he cheated on me, started another family with the girl, and ran off with her. I hadn't seen or heard of him since until what Groff just told me. Whatever you do, you have to help me and keep him away from me. He had abusive tendencies. There was many times where we got into arguments and he either pushed me, which caused me to get bruises, or he raised his hand to slap me, then stopped himself. One time, he put me in the hospital. I'm afraid that if he knows where I am he'll do much worse than just push and hit me." I opened my eyes to see Ant with his mouth wide open and a tear streaking down his face, Daveed and Oak with the lower half of their faces covered by their hands in shock, Pippa angrily shocked, and Renée and Groff running up to hug me. Before I knew it, everyone had left the room and it was just me and Anthony. He still hasn't moved. What's he thinking about? I wondered.

Anthony's POV

I got to work after leaving the barbershop. I'd only gotten a lineup and a shave. When I reached The Public, I noticed that there was a random man there. I asked him what he needed and he said, "I'm looking for my girlfriend, Jasmine." My heart sunk to my toes. Of course she has a boyfriend.. Fuck Jasmine. 

"She isn't here yet." I stated. I stormed off and ran into Daveed and Oak who noticed I was angry. They cheered me up to the best of their abilities and as soon as I was happy again, there she walked in. Why do you have to be so beautiful?! I thought. Why can't you just let me be mad at you in peace?! She walked up to me, touched my face, said something, walked off, and Daveed and Oak were pushing me around and making kissy noises. I never heard what she said because I was too focused on how she looked. I snapped back and realized that I was supposed to be mad at her.

"Oh she was right, that is a sick lineup. Who be cutting your hair? Them motherfuckers on 15th and 9th be fucking up my line." Daveed said. She...she noticed my haircut. I was opening my mouth to say something when I was dragged into the girls' dressing room. Jasmine stormed out, and grabbed Oak and Daveed too. She composed herself and told me the most stomach churning shit ever. I sat there with my mouth wide open. A tear ran down my face, I let it. When Jasmine finished, everyone was comforting her. I just sat there, immobile and clueless as to what I should do.

Whenever I blinked, another person left the room until it was just me and Jasmine. She opened her mouth to say something, but I just ran up to her, picked her up and hugged her. She hugged me back and we sat down on the couch and just cuddled and cried together until about 3 hours before rehearsals were set to start. Who would do such a thing to such an angel? I thought.


Jasmine's POV

Today is the day for us to try on our costumes for the first time. I wasn't so sure about this because I didn't like the amount of layers I'd have to wear. "Hi, everyone! So, costumes! You will be going in groups! Daveed and Emmy, Oak and Betty, Thayne and Ariana, Janthony,-" I cut Lin off.

"Who's Janthony?"

"You and Anthony, duh."

"I never agreed to-" I started, but I was cut of my Lin continuing the list. I rolled my eyes and went to practice the moves for TSS. By the time I got to the end, I turned to find Ant running up to me, saying " Hey, Lin wants us for our fittings now."

"Okay."  I said and followed Ant.

We went to the rooms and started putting on our costumes. Act 2 costumes were first. I stepped out to see him in childish clothing while I was in a sexy dark red dress that left my thigh dangling on the side and showed major cleavage. I will admit, I looked hot as hell. But hey, I always look hot so what's the difference. When I stepped out, I cleared my throat and Ant turned around. When he turned, his eyes scanned my body. Then, he pinned me to the wall. Are we about to kiss? Please kiss me. Please. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him so close that our foreheads and noses were touching. If he wants us to kiss, he'll kiss me...right? Suddenly, he pressed his lips to mine. YESSS!

"Sorry...You look....Holy shit...", he said, stepping back as his voice cracked.

"Thank you." We stepped back in and did our Act 1 costumes. Afterwards, we went back to practice. Ant's eyes were on me all night long and I may or may not have used that to my advantage.

"PEOPLE! GATHER AROUND! I know you know each other well by now but now I want you guys to learn your surroundings! We're going to be playing human fencing! One gets on the others back or neck and uses this pool noodle to stab the other. I know this is a game, but we are adults! No cheating. You get hit, you get hit!", Lin shouted.

"Can we pick our own groups?", Thayne shouted. "Nope! Groups are! Daveed and Emmy, Thayne and Ariana, Oak and Pippa, Janthony...", he shouted. I didn't hear the rest of the list because I was lost in thought. Of course they put us together. Anthony walked up to me and said "M'lady, would you prefer neck or back?" I giggled and said, "Neck." He bent over and I wrapped my thighs around his neck.

When I stabilized myself, I relished in how good his hands felt on my thighs. I relaxed a bit and sighed, getting used to the comfort of him holding me.

"Okay! Next up! Battle of the couples! Janthony vs. Daveed and Emmy!"

"We aren't a couple!", Daveed, Emmy, Anthony, and I all yelled simultaneously. I grabbed his chin for stability and waited for Lin to scream,"Charge!" When he did, Anthony ran. I stabbed Emmy before she got me and cheered. We stepped aside and Anthony said, "Ready to get down?" I sighed, realizing I had to get down and nodded.

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