Chapter 6

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"Jas, can we talk?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Does this mean that we're dating now?"

She smiled and slightly shook her head yes, collecting an immediate excited hug from Anthony.

"When are we going to tell everyone?"

"When they ask. Let them find out on their own."

"Mysteriously savage. I like it."

She giggled and kissed him.

"Okay, I'm tired, let's go to sleep."

"After that, I can see why you'd be tired."

They went to sleep, holding each other in their new relationship. When they woke up, Renée and Pippa were in her bedroom. "Did you guys do it last night?", Renée asked. "Yeah.", Anthony replied, pointing to the obvious fact that they are naked in bed. "Does this mean you guys are dating now?", Renée asked, getting excited.



"What, it's not like they won't put two and two together?"

"Yeah, but we said we wouldn't tell anyone yet."

"Alright, sorry Renée, we aren't dating."

"Oh, you're such a dingus."

"A dingus you love."

"Oh my God, you two already argue like a couple. Get up and get ready, you're an hour late."

"Why would you say-"


"ITS NOT MY FAULT, ITS NOT MY FAULT!!", Anthony said, running.

When they got to the theater, Anthony immediately ran up to Daveed.

"Guess what?"


"Spent the night with Jas."


"Shot my shot and-"


"Finally!" "Yeah!" "Woohoo!"

"What's this I heard about shots?", Jasmine said, peeking her head into the room.

"Nothing.", Anthony said, rubbing his neck.

"Mhm.", she said, giggling at his nervousness.


When Anthony got to Jasmine's house, they headed in and as soon as they got in and shut the door, he kissed her. He couldn't believe she liked him.

"Alright, baby, what do you want for dinner.", he said, walking into the kitchen.

"Who the hell said I'm your baby?"

"I did. You're my baby, you always have been, and always will be my baby. Forever and ever."


The next morning, Jasmine woke up to Anthony holding her close. Slowly what happened yesterday all came back to her. "Because you're my baby. Forever and ever." She remembered him say that and replayed it in her head all day long. Jasmine looked at the clock to see the time. 5:00AM. She figured now would be the time to teach Anthony how to be early. She rolled him on his back, got on top of him, and kissed him until he woke up and kissed her back.

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