Chapter 15

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Jasmine's POV
When I opened the door, I saw the entire cast on my stoop. "Uh, hi?", I said, confused as to why they were all here. I still had my hand in a fist because it was broken. "Hey, Jasmine, can we come in?", Lin said. "Uhh, all of you? Sure, I guess.", I said, stepping aside. I shut the door behind them and looked at Anthony. He looked as confused as me. "Hi, we finished practice early so we figured we'd stop by and make sure you two are okay.", Groff said. "We're fine..thanks for asking. All of you came just to ask if we were okay?", Ant said. Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.. "Well, we heard what Anthony said while you two were leaving and just wanted to make sure you wouldn't get arrested.", Renée said.

I shot him a glare and he chuckled nervously. "I'm fine, we're fine.", I said. "Why is your hand in a fist.", Pippa said. Everyone shifted their gaze to my hand and I immediately put it behind my back. "No it isn't.", I said. They all looked at each other, confused. "Okay, well, I want to go to bed so, unless Jas wants to sit here with y'all, y'all gotta go.", Anthony said. "I'm fine with whatever, I said. If y'all want to stay for a bit longer, you can. But I am feeling a little tired.", I said, suggesting that I prefer they go. Anthony smiled because he knew why I was tired. "Okay, we'll go.", they agreed.

When they left, Anthony took my hand. "Your hand. It's broken.", he said. "No it's not.", I said. "I just need to ice it a bit." "Jasmine, you and I both know that it's broken, let me help you.", he said. He picked me up and put me on the kitchen counter. He went to grab some ice and a bandage. "I really don't need all of this! I'm fine.", I yelled. "I played baseball! I know what a broken hand looks like! Besides, I know a way to wrap it so that you can use it and not make it worse.", he yelled back. He came back downstairs and wrapped my hand. "Good to go. Next time, let me help.", he said, inspecting my hand. "Yeah, yeah. I guess I'll let you help next time.", I replied laughing a bit. "I'm not gonna lie to you, that was kinda hot what you did back there.", he said, standing up and coming closer.

This horn-dog. "Yeah? You thought that was hot?", I said pulling him closer. "Yeah." He said. When he went in to kiss me, I turned his head and whispered in his ear, "Then know that if you ever actually cheat on me, that'll be you getting your ass beat." His eyes widened and he said, "You won't beat my ass." I raised an eyebrow and he realized I was dead serious. "You know I'll never cheat on you.", he said nervously. I looked him up and down and just said, "Mhm." I looked back down to realize his pants were gone. "Anthony. Where are your pants?", I asked. "I took them off when I got the bandages. Those were some tight ass jeans and if you thought I was gonna sit here wearing them all night you thought wrong.", he replied, laughing.

"Ant. Do you have a umm...", I said, very much not laughing. He looked down and pulled his shirt over himself, "What, I said I thought it was hot." He picked me up and said, "Have you ever tried boxing? Cause the way you kicked down that door and beat her ass-", he started. I cut him off by kissing him. "Shhh, less talking, more sex.", I said. That night, we made a different kind of love. We made a protective kind of love. When we finished, we cuddled and talked for hours. Then we heard a knock on the door, Ant stood up, put some underwear on, and said, "I'll get it."

Anthony's POV
When I opened the door, Ariel and Sarah were there. "Hello." I said. Sarah just shook her head and said, "Lord have mercy, do you always just walk around here naked? Anyways, is Jasmine here? We were supposed to have a girls+Ariel night but she isn't picking up her phone." "Yeah, she's upstairs, I'll go get her.", I said, letting them in. I ran upstairs and into the bedroom. "It's Ariel and Sarah.", I said, jumping onto the bed. "Oh shit, I was supposed to hang out with them tonight.", she said getting up and getting dressed. "Hurry, they looked thirsty.", I said, laughing a bit. She threw a pillow at me and ran downstairs.

After she left, I decided to take a shower. I slid off my underwear and hopped in. I only had time to wash my hair when the doorbell rang. Somehow, through the water running, I could hear it. I threw on a towel and headed downstairs. I opened the door, expecting Jas. "Did you forget your- shit!" Standing outside my door was Adam. How, he was supposed to be in jail! Shit, Jas can't know about this. "OPEN UP, FRECKLES. I JUST WANT TO TALK. YOU'VE GOT A NICE SWING BUT YOU ALSO HAVE A BULLET WITH YOUR NAME ON IT.", he shouted from outside my door, tapping something on the door. Guessing it was a gun, I texted Jasmine, "Don't come home for another two hours, I'll tell you everything later." She immediately started blowing up my phone, asking what was wrong.

"Leave me alone, man. All I did was make her happy. I never told you to sleep with her best friend.", I yelled. "If you don't leave now, I'm calling the police. You're on my steps, you're on my property. I never said you could come here. How did you even get out?" "I'm an escape artist. You'd have to keep me in solitary to keep me in. I can get out of maximum prisons and everything.", he said. On the other side of the door, I was calling the police. When I heard sirens, I breathed a sigh of relief. Only problem was, I also heard heels clicking down the sidewalk. When I peeked out of the peep hole, Adam was sitting down on the steps but Jasmine was running up to the house.

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