Chapter 2

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Jasmine's POV

It took me a while to realize that I just met my future husband. All week through rehearsals, I couldn't stop thinking about him. How his aroma hit my nose when I crashed into his muscular chest. Whenever we caught each other staring, we'd look down and blush.

As the days went on, I tried to hide my little crush on Anthony, or as I called him, Ant. I tried forcing myself to think that I didn't like him, hoping it would make a psychological change.

Anthony's POV

As the days went by, Jasmine just got hotter, and hotter, and funnier, and funnier. She had such a beautiful laugh, and an amazing smile. I wish I could just hold her and kiss her all night...NO! No feelings! I sighed as I walked into the theatre. I had decided that today was going to be the day that I at least started flirting with Jas. By now, I've stopped being so nervous around her.

I walked in and immediately saw her standing next to Thayne, Emmy, and Groff. I walked up to them and threw my arms around Thayne and Jasmine. Making sure anyone else didn't see, I leaned closer to Jasmine. She moved her hair, looked at me, and smiled. Then she went back to her conversation. At this point, I was drooling. No, no, no! Not now, random boner! Go down, go down!

Obviously, my flirting wasn't smooth enough because Emmy blurted out, "Holy shit, will the two of you just get over it and fuck!"

"Girl, I could say the same to you and Daveed.", Jasmine retorted.

"I don't see you denying it."

"I see you trying to change the subject." I immediately take my hand off Thayne and put my hand up to give Jas a high five. I never put my arm back up on Thayne.

I noticed that we stare at each other a lot, which has its ups and downs. I get to see her acting all cute and crazy majority of the time. One time, I glanced at her and realized she was taking her hoodie off, which cause me to take a double take. By the time her shirt lifted to the top of her belly, I quickly looked away. I heard her say, "Oh, was my shirt lifting? Thanks." meaning that Renée and Phillipa has pulled her shirt down. I gulped, knowing they saw me staring, and knowing Jasmine would somehow find out about it.

Jasmine's POV

I got to the theatre today and immediately noticed Lin wasn't there and that everyone was waiting for him. I asked around if anyone had seen Lin and all said no. I found myself having a conversation with Thayne, Emmy, and Groff. Before I knew what was going on, Ant had his arm around me and Thayne. I noticed that I could feel Ant breathing on my neck, his hot breath sending tingles down my spine. It was obvious that he was leaning on me. Did it mean anything was the question. I moved my hair, looked at him, smiled, and went back to my conversation. BONER ALERT! DON'T FREAK OUT! BUT YOUR CRUSH HAS A BONER WHILE HE HAS HIS ARM AROUND YOU! I was about to say something when Emmy says, "Holy shit, will the two of you just get over it and fuck!"

Before I could stop myself, I heard myself saying, "Girl, I could say the same about you and Daveed." I could feel Anthony's mouth hit the floor.

"I don't see you denying it.", Emmy stuttered.

"I see you changing the subject.", I retorted. She blushed a bit and I saw in the corner of my eye Anthony's hand in the air. I gave him a high five and he put his hand down, he never put it back over Thayne.

Anthony and I stare at each other a lot. I've realized that he either has nothing better to do with his life, or he just has a staring problem. One time, in the Spring, it had gone from 50° to 80° within what felt like seconds. "I'm gonna take my sweater off.", I whispered to my girls, they nodded and eyed my stomach, making sure my shirt wouldn't lift. I was confused as to why when I took my sweater off, I felt air in my belly. Maybe my shirt didn't lift and I'm feeling the hot air through my shirt? When the air rose higher, and higher, and nearly touched the rim of my bra, it suddenly stopped. I realized that they just, for some reason, let it rise, then pulled it down last minute. "Oh, was my shirt lifting? Thank you.", I said. I looked over at Anthony to see he had red cheeks and his head turned away from me. I see exactly what was going on here. He had been staring, but Renée and Pips pulled my shirt back down. "How long did he stare?", I whispered. "About like 95% of the time. He took a double take, then stared until your shirt was about here," Pips said, pointing at a spot on my belly. It was about an inch under my bra. "Then he looked away.", she finished., he had the chance to see me half naked, and didn't take it? Quite the gentleman, I hope.

Narrator's POV

Over the next few days, the two grew fonder and fonder of each other. Soon to the point where they were no longer normal near each other. "Jazzy, he's staring again.", Renée said. "So, he always stares. Let him stare.", Jasmine said, annoyed. Anthony walked up to them and said, "Hi Renée, Jasmine."

"What do you want?", Jasmine asked, crossing her arms.

"What did I do now?", Anthony said, stepping back. She grabbed his arm and lead him to the changing room.

"Sit. Let me explain something to you. This is my area of work and you're disturbing it, so will you please just stop messing with my head?", Jasmine said, pushing him onto the couch and talking to him angrily.

"How exactly am I messing with your head? What am I doing?", he asked.

"Everything! Just stop.", she said, rubbing her temples.

"I'm not trying to-", he started, but was cut off by her pulling him up and out of the room. After about a minute or so, she stepped out of the room and walked into the green room.

"Jazzy, who spat in your coffee this morning?", Groff asked.

"I'm fine, I just had a lot of time to think about life last night.", Jasmine said, sitting on the couch.

"You got high, didn't you. Either you got high or laid. Dick and weed are the only two things that make you go off on men like Anthony for no reason.", Groff said.

"Okay, neither. And what do you mean men like Anthony?", she said, sitting up. When Groff attempted to answer, he was cut off by Oak running in, telling them to head to the stage.

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