Chapter 28

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Over time, Sierra got more and more comfortable with the kids her age. Her and Alejandro became extremely close. A few days before it was time to go, Sierra and Jasmine were relaxing and taking on the beach. Anthony came up and laid down next to Jasmine. Jasmine, who was resting, jumped a little when he touched her.

"You scared me."

"SiSi saw me."

"I had my eyes closed you dingus."

"Yeah, whatever. What are you guys doing."

"Tanning. About to go for a walk." Jasmine's stomach has been hurting all day and she was about to find out why. On the walk, Anthony gasped.

"What is it? Do I have sunburn?"

"Baby, you're showing..", Anthony said, putting a hand on her belly.

"What? Oh yeah, I've been trying to cover it..."

"My baby's really having my baby..."

She giggled and kissed him, immediately hearing "EWWWWWW!" When they turned around, Rico, Samuel, and Alejandro were behind them. "Bro, when y'all grow up, y'all gon' wish this was y'all." They all shook their heads in disagreement and asked Sierra if she wanted to play. She agreed and they ran off and played in the sand.


A few hours later, it was time to head back. Valentina called Jasmine into her room and inspected her new baby bump.

"I think it's a boy.."

"Why do you say that?"

"When you're having a boy, your belly hangs lower."

"Well, I was pretty chubby before I got pregnant, maybe it's just that?"

"Mija, don't lie. You were fit, I saw you. I may be wrong but I think you're having a son. Don't tell Anthony yet, he really wants a son."

"Well then, okay, I guess." Anthony knocked on the door and peeked his head through. "If we don't head out now, we'll be late for our flight."

"Damn, I don't feel like going back..."

"Great, so let's stay another week."

"No...Sierra has to go to school and you have to get back to the show. You haven't performed in two weeks, Lin is worried about you."

"Alright...fine.." The trio said their goodbyes, grabbed the bags, and headed out. Sierra loved her tan, Jasmine got belly beads, and Anthony loved Jasmine's new bump.


The next day, they got to the theater. Jasmine peeked her head into the girls' dressing room and said "You all look fabulous!" They all turned and screamed, pulling her in and hugging her. Because of her father's filming going longer than expected, Jasmine still had to watch Sierra. Luckily, Jasmine's morning sickness hadn't come in a few days.




"I know!! Sierra's is way better, though!"

"Where is she?"

"Behind me- Sierra?" Sierra shyly peeked her head around the corner. They all squealed and ran to say hi. Sierra loved the attention and quickly opened up around them. They all sat down and a minute later, they started screaming at the top of their lungs.

"What, what?"

"You're showing!!!" Jasmine looked down and realized that her shirt wasn't big enough to hide her small bump.

"Yeah, I started showing around a week ago?"


"I-" They all stopped what they were doing when they heard an alarm. "Oh, we added that because you were gone. We usually start getting ready when you do and since you weren't here, we use this alarm."

"Got it, makes sense. Anyways, let's get ready."

"You're not performing are you?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"The baby."

"The baby'll be fine. My mom performed while she was pregnant with me and look how I turned out."

"I guess." They got up and got dressed for their show. By the end of the show, Jasmine's feet were killing her. They all went out to party after the show, but Jasmine just went home. She hasn't been feeling well since she got back and was suspicious of why the morning sickness had passed. When she laid down, she suddenly felt something wet under her. She felt under her and looked at her fingers, nothing. She smelled them, confused. "Sisi!!!"


"Did you peepee the bed, Si?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, accidents happen, next time, tell me when you go."

"Okay." Jasmine sighed, got up, cleaned the bed and changed the sheets, and looked in the mirror. She started at her bump, and frowned. She went to her closet, tossed on an oversized hoodie, and laid back down. Around an hour or two later, Anthony arrived home. Sober.

When he got into the room, he smiled at the sight of the sisters cuddling in bed. He took his shoes off and lied down next to the girls, causing Sierra to stir. Anthony picked her up, and put her in the bed they used for her, causing Jasmine to stir.

"You're home..."

"You're tired, go back to sleep." She sniffed his chest and smelled cheap perfume. "Why do you smell like perfume?"

"Why are you sniffing me?"

"I was smelling for alcohol."

"I didn't drink tonight. And about the perfume, let's just say I deeply wished you were there."

"What the hell happened?"

"Do you remember the Spanish I taught you?"


"Señoras cachonda."
(Horny ladies.)

"You poor thing, that explains the perfume smell. Can you change, you're making me nauseous."

"Of course, bonita."

Anthony got up, changed, and lied back down, cuddling up to Jasmine.

"Jas. What do you want to name the baby?"

"We have 7 months to decide, why are you asking me now?"

"Because, lately when I can't sleep at night, I've been thinking of names and I have four."


"Angelo or Anthony Jr. if it's a boy. Michelle or Elaina."

"I like them. How about this, if it's a boy, then I get to choose. If it's a girl, you get to choose. Loser gets to choose the middle name so it's a win-win."

"Deal." She kissed him and sealed the deal. They fell asleep within minutes.

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