Chapter 30👩🏽‍🍼

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"Well...yes. The baby is underweight, of course, but both the mother and the baby are. If she can gain 50 lbs within 6 months, the baby's chance of being a premie will become 5%.", the doctor said. He stood up and left.



"When she wakes up, you have to do your best to cheer her up. The stress is taking a major toll on her." He nodded and Renée got up and left. After about an hour, Anthony texted Renée that Jasmine was awake.

"Baby, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Ant."

"Obviously, you aren't, you're malnourished, stressed, depressed, and dehydrated."

"I'm sorry. I guess the miscarriage took a toll on me worse than I thought."

"Baby, you have to be strong for the baby we still have. I know it hurts, I know you just want to lie down and cry all day, but you can't. You have to focus on being better for bubs." She nodded and Renee came in. She sat directly next to Jasmine and rubbed her head, dodging hospital equipment and humming a motherly tune. After a few days, Jasmine was discharged from the hospital.

Unlike the last time, the ride home was full of laughter and joy.
——————-6 MONTHS LATER—————
As Anthony and Jasmine were finishing up the room, they heard a splash. Jasmine froze and Anthony looked down.

"Did your water just-"


"We have to go to the-"

"Meh. I'm not having conTRAAAAAAAA, GRAB THE BAG!" Anthony ran and grabbed the hospital bag. He hurried her into the Uber he called and when they got there, he paid extra. They got into the medical room and the nurse said, "You're in labor and you're about 5 centimeters dilated. If you want, we could give you an epidural to ease the pain."

"I think I can go withoOOOWWWW, EPIDURAL PLEASE!", she shouted, grabbing Anthony's hand. They rolled her onto her side and stuck the needle into her lower spine. When the epidural started working, she relaxed. Anthony picked up the phone and dialed Lin.

"Hi, Anthony, is this important? I'm a little busy."

"Jasmine's in labor."

"SEX CAN WAIT, IM ON MY WAY!", Lin shouted. He shook his head and Jasmine just laughed. Jasmine picked up the phone and called Renée.


"You seem like you have your hands full."

"You don't know the half of it."

"Anyways, how was your day?"

"Fine, what's that beeping?"

"Oh, I'm at the hospital, I went into labor."

"WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAD WITH THAT?!", Renée said, hanging up. Jasmine immediately called her other sister. "Hey, Pips."

"Jasmine, not right now."

"Wait, I'm in labor, dumbass."

"STEVEN, GET OFF ME, I HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL-", Phillipa shouted. "Why is everyone having sex?", Anthony said. Jasmine shrugged and called Emmy.

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