Chapter 26🇵🇷

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When they finally got to Puerto Rico, Sierra clung to Jasmine. Alike to Jasmine, she was shy. Jasmine clung to Anthony, unsure of what to do. When they got to the house, 10 little kids, 5 of which around Sierra's age, immediately ran up to Anthony.

"UNC! ANT! UNCLE ANT!", they all shouted, hugging him.

"What's up! Where's your parents?"

"Upstairs. Who's she?", one of the kids asked.

"That's my girlfriend, Jasmine."

"Do you guys kiss?"


"EWWWWWW. Girls have cooties. And if you guys kiss, that means you have the cooties. You know what that means."

"Guys wait I don't think-"

"PILE ON ANT!!", the kid shouted as they all ran and jumped onto Anthony, knocking him down.

(Translation: Okay! Okay! Uncle! Uncle!)

They all got off Anthony and stood in a line.

"Since you're in a line. Rico, ven aquí papa."
(Translation: Rico, come here papa.)

The little boy that had been asking all of the questions stepped forward. He grabbed Jasmine hand, and kissed it. "Hola, mi amor.", he said, winking. "Anthony nunca ha traído tanta belleza aquí. Te doy la bienvenida a mi humilde casa."
(Translation: Hello, my love. Anthony has never brought such beauty here. I welcome you to my humble home.)

Jasmine looked at Anthony for translation, but he just shook his head. She knew a few words and could piece together what he said.

"Well, aren't you a cutie pie."

"Much cuter than him."

"Okay! Okay! Enough Anthony bashing. Rico, introduce the clan while I go get some water."

"Well. There's Tina, Maria, Stephanie, Vanessa, Alexandra, me, Marco, Pablo, Alejandro, and Samuel. Tina, Maria, Alexandra, Alejandro, and Sam are 3. Stephanie, Vanessa, Marco, and Pablo are 5. And I'm 9. Alexandra and Alejandro are twins and Marco and Pablo were born on the same day, in the same hour, but they have different parents. But we call them twins."

"Hello, everyone, I'm Jasmine. This is my sister, Sierra. Si, say hi."

Sierra waved and they all waved back.

"Sorry, she's a little shy."

"Are you and Anthony getting married?", Tina asked.

"No, why?"

"He's never brought a girl here.", Maria replied.

"I'm glad to take the honor of the first girl he brought. Si, do you want to go play?" Sierra shook her head no. "Okay, Rico, can you take me to the rest of the adults?", Jasmine asked, picking Sierra up. "Yes, my queen, right this way.", Rico said, taking Jasmine's hand and leading her to a big room where all of the adults were. "Rico, go play with the other kids."

"Cálmate, mamá, voy a traer un adulto."
(Translation: Calm down, Mom, I'm bringing an adult.)

"Is Anthony finally here?"

"Well, yes but that's not who I'm bringing. Ma, meet his girlfriend, Jasmine."

"Hi...", Jasmine said, awkwardly waving. All of the women immediately gasped and whisked her away, spamming her with questions. One of them suddenly yelled, "STOP." They all stopped and slowly turned to the woman. "Jasmine, you're pregnant aren't you." Jasmine's eyes widened. "Well, yeah, but how'd you know?"

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