chapter thirty

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warning: allusion to rape

Jessica trudges downstairs the morning after Thanksgiving, half asleep. She reaches the kitchen where Nathan and Haley are quietly talking at the counter. They stop when they hear footsteps, turning to see Jessica.

"What's up with you two?" Jessica asks, going to the fridge and getting juice. Before they can answer more footsteps sound and they all turn to see Jamie walking downstairs.

"Why is everybody staring at me?" Jamie asks.

"Ask them." Jessica motions to her siblings.

"Jame, why don't you, uh... why don't you go eat in your room." Nathan tells him.

"Okay." Jamie shrugs, getting a bowl of cereal before going to his room. Once he's up the stairs, Jessica looks at her siblings.

"Okay, what's wrong? Am I in trouble? What?" Jessica asks. She finally sees the sad look in her siblings' eyes and that both their eyes are a little red from crying earlier. "What happened?"

"Jessi, um..." Haley trails off, not sure how to say it.

"What?" Jessica asks, getting impatient.

"They found Alanna at her house this morning." Nathan states. "Dead."

That word makes Jessica freeze instantly as shock takes over her.

"N-no. She's not dead. I saw her yesterday. She isn't dead." Jessica says.

"The police say she was stabbed. They don't know who did it." Haley tells her.

Jessica feels her eyes start stinging as she thinks about her friend being dead. She was so annoyed with Alanna yesterday because of her learning about Jonathan.


Jessica feels a sudden rage overcome her and she clenches her jaw, marching towards the door.

"Jess? Jessi!" Nathan calls, following her. "Jess, where are you going?"

"I need to leave." Jessica states, quickly slipping shoes on.

"In your pajamas?" Haley asks.

"Yes." Jessica bites. She slams the door shut behind her.

"What was that?" Haley asks.

"I don't know." Nathan sighs, hugging his wife.

Jessica finds herself marching over to Jonathan's apartment. She only knows where it is because he's made their meetings move to their after almost getting caught at the diner a few times.

She pounds on the door until it opens, a smirking Jonathan on the other side.

"Have you completely lost it?" Jessica asks.

"Well, if it isn't my little toy." Jonathan smiles.

"You killed her." Jessica says, tears appearing in her eyes.

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