chapter ten

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Jessica is making toast while Nathan gets cereal. Her bruises are a little better and she can talk louder now.

"Good morning, honey." Deb greets, walking in. "Morning, baby." She greets Jessica.

"Hi." Jessica mumbles while Nathan only sighs, walking to the other side of the counter to sit down.

"At least you're making noise. Maybe next week I'll get a hello." Deb says.

"Mom, you told me you were screwing one of my friends at a funeral. I figured that meant you didn't really want to talk." Nathan says.

"Okay. I should have told you about my relationship with Antwon before, but we've got to find a way to deal with this, honey. How can I live here if you're not gonna talk to me?" Deb asks.

"I was thinking the same thing. I thought I could get used to it. I haven't. And I can't." Nathan states, getting Deb's suitcases and putting them on the counter.

"You're kicking me out?" Deb asks, sadly.

"Say hi to Antwon for me." Nathan says, leaving.

"Wha-- Nathan." Jessica calls, but he's already gone.

"No, sweetie, it's fine. It's my fault." Deb tells her daughter.

"But I don't want you to leave." Jessica says.

"Really?" Deb asks.

"No. I mean, yes, the whole you and Skills thing is, you know, gross, but... you're the only one who knows." Jessica says quietly. "And it's comforting knowing I can talk to you and not get overprotectiveness in return."

"You can still talk to me. You just have to leave the house now. I'll still be there for you. I promise." Deb assures, hugging her.


Jessica and Jamie are sitting at the counter and Nathan brings a bowl of soup over to Jamie.

"Microwave soup?" Jamie asks.

"What's the problem?" Nathan asks.

"Nanny Deb always make me sliders on game days." Jamie says.

"Oh, she does, huh?" Nathan asks.

"With two pickles for good luck." Jamie states.

"Well, daddy Nathan makes you soup." Nathan says.

"When is she coming back?" Jamie asks.

"I don't know, buddy."

"Is it because she was kissing Uncle Skills?"

"You knew about that?"

"Yeah. They tried to pretend he was getting something out of her eye, but they were just being all mushy."

"Yeah. And how does it feel to be scarred for life?"

"Fine. I like Nanny Deb. I like Uncle Skills. So what if they like each other?"

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