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*Haha yet another update you better enjoy it as it's unlikely that I will update this much every again*

     And so it was for the next year, an endless cycle of bullying, training, fixing up the van and sleeping. Izuku had upgraded the van, now it had a small space to sleep in the back, a food storage, shower (courtesy of the rain water Izuku collected) and electricity (which was the hardest to supply, it had taken weeks to fix a pair of old solar panels and wire them to the van, then Izuku used a computer and installed it straight into the van). Izuku had also practiced his hacking skills, which were mediocre to say the least. He would have to fine tune that ability.

    As for training Izuku had started to clean the edges of the beach a bit, sorting the trash and keeping the useful and larger pieces he couldn't lift. There wasn't much a six year old could do in terms of strength but he worked to get better. The bullying had been getting worse as the months stretched on and as for Bakugo, well lets say Izuku had way more medical knowledge than a typical six year old should, though being quirkless wasn't exactly typical either.

    He had moved into the van a few months ago and was getting a bit of income from working to  clean houses, but people didn't pay quirkless children much to clean their house so sometimes he went days without meals, besides the provided school lunch that he was always gave the smallest portion of.  Now Izuku sat on the curb of the road waiting for traffic to slow down, he usually sat here every day enjoying the peace. When he felt something bump into his side, Izuku toppled to the ground, catching himself with his burnt up hands. He hissed in pain as the sidewalk pushed on his burnt hands.

"Oh sorry young man, I didn't see you there." Said someone. Izuku looked up to find the speaker, before him stands an elderly man wearing a black mask, his hand held out to help Izuku up. He takes the mans hand and heaves himself up, wincing at the man's grip on his bandaged hand.

"Are you okay there?" The man asks, noticing Izuku's wince. Izuku's eyes widen.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fi-fine."

"You sure those hands, look painful."

"I'm su-sure."

"..Okay, anyway, what is a young boy doing by the side of the road at night?"

"I-I wa-was wai-ting for my m-mom?"

"That kinda sounded like a question. What are you really doing here?"


"Really? You come here every day, and I've never seen a parent come get you."

     "O-oh." Izuku knew that he had to get out of here before the man figured him out. Suddenly Izuku dashed into the traffic, narrowly avoiding the cars racing towards him. His speed, thankfully, had improved from long runs to school each morning. Izuku made it to an empty ally way that was on the way to the beach. He looked behind him, no sign of the man. He kept walking back to the van, getting glimpses of something in the corner of his eye, but the shadows always disappeared before he could get a good look at them. He passed it off as a trick of the eye and continued on his way.

(564 words)

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