His Decision

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*ehehe here is another update*

   Izuku sat on top of a building, weighing his options. 'Okay, pros of becoming s teacher at UA, I will get a steady pay, I will have more equipment, I may be able to get a hero license, I can observe the next generation of heroes, more opportunities to mess with heroes. Cons, my identity might be uncovered, someone might arrest me, I won't have as much free time, I will have to talk to fellow humans my age, Bakugo might be there...'

  Izuku sighed, "How can I decide?"

   Izuku suddenly felt a familiar presence. 'Eraserhead, just my luck, what does he want now?' It had been a few days since his meeting with Nezu and he hadn't come into contact with any other heroes since then.

"What do you want Eraserhead?" Izuku said aloud in a bored voice.

"I'm just passing by." Eraserhead said as he leapt out of the shadows using his scarf thing and sat down on the roof by Izuku.

"Yeah, right." Izuku scoffed.

"Fine, I just wanted to check on you, you've been working much more than usual the last few days, what did Nezu say to you?" Thinking back Izuku had been overworking himself lately, he was trying to keep himself back on track, he had been feeling distracted, the decision was always on his mind.

"I've been trying to get my mind off that conversation, but I still have to decide soon."

"What do you have to decide?"

"If Nezu didn't tell you yet then I won't either, but depending on my decision you might see me soon." Izuku leapt off the building and back into the streets shadows.

  The next morning Izuku stood outside UA's gates, he had made his decision, the door opened when the security camera saw him. 'Well here goes nothing.'

"Now, let me explain why I have called you all here for an emergency staff meeting." Nezu said, the mouse-bear-rabbit thing was seated at the head of a large table, UA's staff sat around the rest of the table.

"Yeah tell us why you interrupted my nap." Aizawa said grumpily.

"Relax Aizawa, and listen this has got to be important if we're all here." Snipe said.

"You're right Snipe, it is important, now everyone listen up, another will be joining UA's staff." said Nezu.

"But, isn't Yagi going to be teaching as well? Isn't that a lot of new teachers?" Ectoplasm asked.

"Well, yes, technically but don't worry about that everything will work out," Nezu grinned evilly, "Now I would like everyone to meet UA's new teacher! You may come in now."

Nezu spoke the last part into the microphone in front of him. The door to the room creaked open slowly and in walked a small figure clad in black and green, wearing a mask and goggles over his face.

(480 words)

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