so this is goodbye

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Well guys, here we are, the end of the first book in the Alarie series.

Yes you heard, well, you read that right, I will be continuing Belle's journey in a series. This will not come immediately so please do not get your hopes up, I will be beginning another story as a break in between this book and the sequel, this new book will be based in the founder's era and unlike this one I have almost everything planned out.

I would like to say a thank you to those who have been with me throughout the entire publishing of this book, from November 1st, 2020 to today, March 24, 2021, with 7.4k reads.

I would have never thought when I started this book that it would blow up this fast, or be this successful, and I couldn't be more thankful. I always wondered how my book would do, and to be honest, this book has become a part of me, it has become my other reality, and I guess I did make Belle someone who I aspire to be, a beautiful, powerful, selfless badass who has a small temper... maybe not the last part but you get what I mean.

I hope you know that I love seeing people interact with my story and it makes my day every time, I live for y'alls reactions to plot twists and major events, it just makes my heart full.

I love every single one of you guys, you mean everything to me and please remember that light can always be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

I am here if anyone ever needs me, I've been through so much in my few years of living alone that I know how it feels, and I never want any one of you guys to feel that way. Please if you ever need someone to rant to, get advice from, or to just talk to take your mind off things, I'm here for you.

and for now, I think it's time to say goodbye and begin a new chapter in our lives.

with much love,


The last Alarie, a Delacour legacyWhere stories live. Discover now