Chapter Four

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"I said I'm half angel." He was still straddling me but his face was dead serious.

"There's no way you're part angel. Like how many times have you sexually assaulted me?" I raised an eyebrow at him, in a more playful way than anything.

He chuckled with his deep voice. "Yeah, I get that from my mother apparently, along with a multitude of other things."

He didn't really look angelic at all to me. I mean where is his halo? "Well I mean you look and act all demon to me."

"That's because you've never had an encounter with a demon in solid form, right there in front of you." He leaned close to me. "If I were a real demon you think I'd be waiting for you to give me permission to actually fuck you or your friend over there." He gestured to Zev. "You think you'd still be alive? All in one piece?" There was now an evil smile on his face as he laughed. "Well let me tell you princess, that's just the beginning of what I'd do to you if I was a full demon."

Well, I'm glad that Thorin's here instead of a full demon. "Ok, well then what did you get from your dad then?" I tried to hide my fear, but my voice was shaky, he could be really scary when he wanted to be. That smile. That laugh.

"Well, my hair, demons never have white hair, you should know that, and the healing powers are also an angelic thing. I got a few other things but they're not important." He shrugged glancing over at Zev then back at me.

"Are there a lot of you? Ones like you?" Is he really half and half, that's really cool actually.

"Well I'm glad you think it's cool but it's not really that nice. And no, I'm the only one. They didn't even know it was possible before I was born." So he's quite the anomaly. 

I have so many things to ask. "Do you-" He didn't let me finish my next question.

"Please no more questions I have somewhere to be, I just wanted to see you first. You're my new toy." He winked and started to fade away, was I waking up?

"Wait, Thorin." He paused, he was now half transparent. He looked at me waiting for me to speak. "I have two more questions."

He gave me a blank stare. "You know I'm still gonna come back, get you all hard and so wet that you'll need another pair of undergarments. Which seems to be the situation that you're in right now." He laughed as he glanced down at my still hard dick and the wet stain on my boxers. "Just ask me then."

"No please, I'll be quick," I begged.

"Fine, what?"

"Why didn't you paralyze me, you said you had a spell or something?" I had been confused about that from the start of him being here tonight. What was so different today than all the other times?

"I didn't need to, I wasn't really planning to make you mad or tease you. I just couldn't help but make you moan at least once tonight but the whole grinding thing wasn't planned, just sorta happened. I only use that if I feel that you're going to try and fight me. Plus I like to see you restricted when you're about to cum." He winked. My face got hot.

What does he mean 'wasn't planned', asshole. He glared at me. "S-sorry. Um, so second question. Why were you upset earlier, you seemed different?" He's normally so playful. Never a serious moment, but today was different.

His eyes widened, and a soft smile appeared on his face. "Ah, it was just a certain mentor who was giving me shit about something. You know you really are a nice guy Jasper," he said softly, an almost pitting look on his face. He faded away but just before he went he spoke again. "You should really just accept that you're head over heels for pretty boy over there." And he laughed still he faded to nothing.

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