Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Shit I am late. "Crap," I said rushing out of my apartment fumbling for my phone. The 27th of March. I thought today was the 26th. I was so caught up in my papers, readings and essays I totally forgot I was supposed to meet the guys at the bar. I don't even remember why they told me we were meeting there. God, I'm such a fucking mess. So much to do. I shot a quick text to Zev telling him I was on my way. I've been neglecting the poor man too, I haven't seen him all week. I've been leaving for class an hour early on most days to chat with my TA's about current assignments and readings, and I stay late to study in the library. I feel so bad. Zev offered to walk to the bar with me but I had said I'd go alone. It would have been inconvenient for him to have to come all the way back just to walk with me. He had gone early to meet Ezra, they went somewhere before. Truthfully I don't know where they went, Zev told me but i've been kinda out of it lately.

It was dark outside, it being 10:30 and all, but it was nice weather. Spring felt as though it was right around the corner. Still need a light jacket though. I heard footsteps behind me as I walked down the street at a quick pace. The bar was a 15 minute walk away from the apartments. I glanced behind me and there was a lady with really blond hair walking far behind me. I think it was a lady, I mean the long hair was a giveaway, I could really only see the silhouette of a person. Hm, could have sworn I heard someone walking only a few feet behind me. Guess I really am going nuts. I shook my head then glanced behind me again, she was gone. Jesus let's just make it to this place alive.

After walking and getting lost in thoughts about the reading I had been trying to complete before I realized I was 20 mins late, I arrived at the front doors. They were a beautifully polished oakwood, heavy too. This was a beautiful bar. I walked in, greeted the bartender and scanned the place for the guys. The bar was mostly empty, odd for a Friday night. Ezra waved at me, Zev was sitting next to him and Levi sat across the four-seater table. I walked up to the table and took off my black bomber jacket resting it on the back of the chair.

"Hey guys, long time no see sorry I'm late, I forgot what day it was," I said taking a seat next to Levi. They all looked sort of nervous, even Ezra who almost never showed any emotion other than happiness or slight frustration. I rested my bare forearms on the shiny wooden table, sitting back in my chair stiffly. My back has been bugging me over the last few weeks.

"Nah don't worry about it dude, Levi was also late, just got here a few minutes ago," said Ezra as he fixed his black fedora, tucking the platinum strands of hair back where they belong.

"Not to be too forward but why are we here? One of you may have already told me but I forgot. I've been super busy so it's my bad." They all stayed silent and looked at each other nervously. "Are you guys up to something?" I asked, whenever Ezra is quiet you know something's up.

"Er, well you see Jasper," Ezra said. "We didn't tell you why we came here. If we had you might have not come." He smiled. Shit, what have I gotten myself into this time. "Don't get mad, but we wanted to get you out of the apartment for something other than class." His eyebrows raised and furrowed.

They pulled me out here for- I guess it's a nice gesture. I sighed, "Well thanks for thinking of me, I do appreciate it. I am just super busy you know, " I rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I should head back, I have to get a reading done." I went to stand and Levi grabbed my wrist gently.

"Jasper stay, you need a break from school just take a day or two off. You really don't look good. Your face looks hollow man. Please just stay with us for like an hour or something," He then released my arm, seeing all of them here looking at me like this, it would be cruel to leave. I took my seat again and sighed.

"Fine, but it's only because I miss you guys." I smiled looking at them all. Zev looked sad, I don't like to see him sad.

"Jasper you gotta take care of yourself," Zev said, shaking his head. "What did you eat today?" His brows furrowed.

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