The Hobbit-Thorin Oakenshield X Hobbit!Reader- Nice

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Hearing the loud noises coming from Bag End, your curiosity got the better of you and you found yourself knocking on the door. An exasperated Biblo opened the door and you watched what appeared to be dwarves throwing plates around his home.
“Bilbo, is everything alright?” you asked, peering around him at the commotion.
“Yes, well, no, all of these visitors are here and I don't even know who they are!”
“Seems like you could do with some more polite company, I could always help you clean up later if you'd like?” you offered.
“Oh, thank you so very much,” he said as he let you inside.

As it turned out, you didn't have to help out much as the dwarves cleaned up after themselves. And as soon as they had, the last dwarf arrived.

His name was Thorin, a handsome dwarf who was the tallest of all thirteen of them. He was the King of Erebor, or would have been if not for the dragon Smaug who had invaded their home.

That was why they were there, to ask Bilbo if he would be their burglar for their quest to reclaim their homeland. It excited you, you and Bilbo had always dreamed of going on adventures and seeing Elves and the sort. So when Bilbo turned down the offer, you were sorely disappointed on his behalf.

As the night grew one, you turned to leave.
“What about you lass? It seems Bilbo isn't coming with us, what about you?” one of the dwarves asked, you were sure his name was Balin.
“I um... I don't know. Would I have to sign the contract?” you asked.
“Uh, it's probably for the best.”
“What if I don't want one fourteenth of the treasure though?” Some treasure would be nice but one fourteenth was a lot of treasure from what you could gather and you'd have no where to put it. What could you even buy with all that money?

And somehow, you found yourself agreeing to go along, just for the adventure.

After trolls and wargs and orcs, you were glad to find rest in Rivendell. Thorin wasn't too happy to be there, it was obvious by the frown that was present on his face even more than usual.

Currently, Thorin was brooding by a window, staring out across the valley. You walked over, standing next to him and looking out as well.
“I know you don't want to be here,” you said. He grunted. “But I'm glad to be here, I always dreamed of coming here and meeting elves and going on adventures.”
“Well now you've done it.”
“Only because you let me come with you,” you said. “So thank you.”

Thorin turned to look at you. There wasn't a frown on his face for once.
“I am glad we have one burglar who wants to be here.”
“Bilbo wouldn't have come if he didn't want to, trust me.” Bilbo didn't do anything he didn't want to except for things that made him look extremely rude otherwise. Politely refusing an adventure involving dwarves and dragons didn't make someone look rude at all in your opinion.
“I hope you're right. Fifteen is a good number.”

It fell quiet between the two of you until you spoke again.
“I heard Balin before. I wanted to talk to you about it but there wasn't really time to.”
“What about it?”
“I'm sorry that it happened to you, and your family and kin,” you said honestly. “I can't imagine how it must all feel.”
“Horrible, I wouldn't want you to know the feeling.” You nodded.

“There's something else I wanted to talk about,” you said quietly. This you were more nervous about. “I like you. You're brave and strong and you're a lot nicer than you think.”
“You think I'm nice?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Yes. You want to keep Bilbo safe and the best way you can do that is if he's not here to be in danger.”
“He doesn't belong with us.”
“Then neither do I,” you said. “But you didn't acknowledge what I said before that.”

Thorin stared at you for a moment and then sighed as he looked out across the valley.
“I've noticed,” he said quietly. “You always stay close to me even though Dwalin or any of the others would protect you too. I don't mind it, it makes it easier for me to make sure you're safe.”
“I appreciate it.” You smiled a little but wasn't sure if that was his way of saying he liked you too.

“And it means I get to hear your voice and see your pretty face more,” he added. Your cheeks turned red. That definitely sounded as if he liked you too.
“So...” You trailed off and Thorin turned, his eyes meeting your. You leaned against the window with your hands flat on the stone windowsill.
“I'd be honoured if I could court you. I don't know how hobbits date, I barely know how dwarves do it, but I would like to,” he said. A wide smile spread across your face as you nodded. “Even if we can't do it properly until we've reclaimed my homeland.”
“That’s alright,” you said. “As long as I get to spend time with you. The others might not let us hear the end of it though.”
“No, I don't think they will.” Then he placed his hand over yours and you smiled as you moved to hold his hand.

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