We Will Rock You- Khashoggi X Reader- You're My Best Friend Part 2

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I had the idea for this part two and just kind of ended up writing all this. So... enjoy! :)

Over the next few weeks, more people showed up to the Heartbreak Hotel with a love for live music that they'd hidden. The Bohemians welcomed them with open arms, but the only people who seemed to truly welcome you were Cliff, Scaramouche and Galileo. The others were suspicious, even the new ones.

Part of you couldn't blame them, you were married to the former head of Globalsoft's police. Cliff had explained that Khashoggi had captured them, brain drained them, hurt them. You couldn't blame their hatred when it was so justified. But part of you knew why he was so determined to eradicate them, so that they had no chance to corrupt you, to make you a Bohemian.

Well, it was too late now.

You were playing bass with The Dreamer and his 'bad-arsed babe' Scaramouche, though she'd often complain about how it was sexist. You did have to agree, it was a bit weird how often they called her that. But you'd picked up the bass unusually quickly, which they were happy for, and you'd finally managed to get the songs in your head out into the world. Every so often they'd livestream it. Globalsoft's systems were still working, there wasn't any alternative when they were the only company around.

One thing that hadn't really changed was your love of the fashions you had always worn. While it was a relief you didn't have to fit the trends, you still liked the clothes. You could just wear them however you felt like, you could let your fashion creativity run wild. And, of course, you wore Khashoggi's oversized coat, with the sunglasses still tucked into his pocket.

When the song you were all playing finished, you smiled. It sounded amazing. Part of you did miss the generated songs, but there was nothing quite like live music. And there were instruments that could play musical similar to it but live, and that made up for it.

There was a knock on the door and Cliff came in.
"What do you want?" asked Scaramouche. "We've just gotten into a good rhythm too." Cliff looked solemnly towards you.
"Someone found Khashoggi." Your eyes widened. "But-"
"What?" You quickly turned down the volume on the bass before putting it aside. "Where is he?"
"Look, we don't think he-"
"I need to see him."

You hated how no one had know what had become of him for weeks, even the current head of Globalsoft police didn't know what had happened to him. Their best guess was that he'd been brain drained but you'd already figured that when he'd disappeared. With how the council was changing things and trying to fix some of what Killer Queen had done, there as little time to try to find Khashoggi.

But he was here. Someone had found him.

With some reluctance, Cliff brought you towards the room in the Heartbrek Hotel where they'd put Khashoggi. Galileo and Scaramouche were practising, but they'd promised not to practise anything new without you.
"Honestly, we don't really know what to do with him. I had to convince the others that we shouldn't just throw him back out."
"I can't blame them."

Cliff stopped in front of a door far away from where the rest of the Bohemians stayed.
"You know he probably won't be the same, don't you? He might never be the same."
"All the Bohemians were fine afterwards, right? You said they went back to normal after hearing the live music Galileo and Scaramouche played, maybe it'll work for him too," you said with a shrug. You didn't want to be too optimistic, but the others had recovered, surely he could too.

Cliff opened the door to Khashoggi staring out of the window. His hair had grown longer but he must have shaved somewhat recently since there was only stubble on his chin. The clothes he wore were tattered but it wasn't what he wore when he was the head of police.
"Khashoggi?" you called out as you stepped inside the room. It was small, with a mattress for a bed and not much else. "Khashoggi, it's me. Your partner." He turned to look at you but his eyes were blank.
"Do I know you?"

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