The first generation

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Name meaning: the first man

Nicknames: Armageddon

Age: unknown

Species: dragon


Status: desceased (spirit)

Gender: male

Parents: unknown

Siblings: none

Mate: Epoh

Children: Lief (son)

Other family: Oribel (grandson) Alchmene (geat granddaughter) Yrun, Iga (great grandsons) Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Sofia (great great grandchildren) Zagreus, Macaria, Mune, Hel (great great great grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great great great great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great great great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great great great great grandson) 

Personality: kind and thoughtful, he was a proud man and was deeply in love with his mate and his son however after he had gained the title of Armageddon he slowly began to be consumed by darkness he began to become a cold cruel vicious shell of his former self and believed everyone was beneath him.

Bio: Aadhan was one out of 3 powerful dragons, he was the dragon of the earth and had lived his life simple he however had to deal with the fact that he was constantly desired by female dragons because of his power and strength but he didn't choose any of them since he didn't want to be with someone who only wanted him for his strength rather then for who he was, he lived most of his life helping the humans who at the time viewed him as a god rather then a dragon since he used his position as a dragon of earth to help the humans with their lands, during his usual routes he met a golden being named Epoh, over time the two grew closer and after knowing eachother for several years the two became mates which surprised everyone since none of the dragons at the time had ever mated with a different species and many were jealous of the relationship between the two.

In time the two had their only son and for many years they were a happy family and in time his grandson was born. One day he would come across an unknown seal and unintentionally broke it causing a darkness to take hold of his body, at first he was unaffected by it and wasn't sure if the thing that merged with his body was good or bad until he suddenly began to develop a short temper which could only be calmed by Epoh and in some cases he would be a completely different person and would have no memory of his actions in time the humans who had onced worshipped him began to fear him and some began to create a cult dedicated to him and with time it was revealed that he was being corrupted by an ancient being called Armageddon and it was slowly merging with his body and trying to permanently seal him within his own body, resulting in Epoh trying to help him with the help of her people but in doing so Armageddon took over his body and he devoured Epoh along with the rest of her species.

With no one else to stop him Armageddon assumed full control but after several years of chaos and pain he began to realize his body was now dying and he needed to pass on to a new host and was originally planning to use his son but felt like he was a failure and instead he killed and devoured his sons corpse after this he began to search for a host but soon he realized that he couldn't possess anyone but rather someone who  shared his blood and  and dcided to pass the title onto his grandson, once he had done so Aadhan had gone to the place where he and Epoh had originally met and soon after he collapsed and died.

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