Fourth generation

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Name meaning: luther


Age: unknown

Species: dragon

Type: nature

Status: deceased 

Gender: male

Parents: unknown

Siblings: unknown

Mate: Alchmene 

Children: Himo, Bell, Adelram (son's) Thalia, Sofia (daughter's)

Other family: Mune, Hel (grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great grandson) 

Personality: nurturing and fun loving, soul believed that everyone had some food in them and he had a strong love for humans and wanted to do everything in his power to help them at any cost. He had a very strong soft spot for his children to the point that they sometime would use it against him to avoid trouble or scolding.

Bio: Soul was born deep in the forest during spring, throughout his life he longed to help those in need and loved using his powers to make life easier for humans since they were suffering from that lack of rain and crops.

During his early life he came across a tiny village that was suffering from drought and the villagers thought he was a threat to them so they didn't trust him once they noticed him but despite that he knew they needed help and so he took a few pitchers with him and went to a lake deep in the forest and brought them back to help the people, once the soil was wet and the seeds planted he used his powers to help them grow more which made the humans praise him and offer him gifts but he simply told them that their happiness was enough, despite this the humans would often pray to him and some even offered him foods they made which he accepted because he didn't want to seem rude.

Over the years the village flourished and the people worshipped Soul and in time he formed a type of balance with the forest and even made living easier for the animals which brought him joy knowing he was helping people and trying to make it to where it was possible for humans and dragons to coexist. One day when he was wandering the forest he found a female dragon bathing in the lake and was immediately drawn to her and learned her name was Alchmene.

Despite her rejection and telling him she was simply there to rest, Soul was deeply drawn to her and would try to speak with her whenever she came to the forest and after some time she let him accompany her once in a while, the joy he felt from meeting her caused him to make more crops, flowers, and various plants grow in the village which was the largest harvest and after learning he fell in love the villagers threw a large feast to celebrate and encourage him to not give up on his first love.

Eventually after some time he was overjoyed when Alchmene finally agreed to be his mate and soon the two mated and after some time their first child was born a boy named Himo, which made Soul happy that he now had a family but the joy only lasted for a while when Alchmene was insistent that they have another child immediately which he thought was too soon but after some time he willingly agreed and 1 years later their second child Bell was born and he was glad that she decided to take a break from having children, he cared deeply for the children and sometimes let the two children interact with humans.

Then Himo and Bell were older he was deeply sad when Alchmene told him to temporarily send them to Nyx be taken care of for the time being and soon after she seduced him until Alchmene became pregnant once again and this time she had twins and they waited for them to hatch and soon their twin daughters Sofia and Thalia we're born, although he was happy he was also sad because he began to notice that Alchmene was not giving their children the maternal care that they needed but Himo over heard this and reassured him that they didn't need their mothers love and that the love they got from him and Nyx was enough to make them happy which gave him much relief but he often wondered why Alchmene had children if she wasn't gonna care for them unless it involved hunting.

13 years of being mates he and Alchmene once again had another child, this being another son Adelram was born and once again he was happy to learn that he now had yet another child which he cared for, however Adelram was mostly raised by Alchmene which confused him since Alchmene never showed such an interest in the rest of their children but still he was glad that she showed some maternal care for their youngest child.

For many years he cared for his family as best he could while caring for the humans he protect but the joy was short lived once the 50 year point arrived and Alchmene told him she no longer wished to be his mate anymore since she was only with him to have children but soul begged her not to leave him because he loved her deeply and still wanted to be her mate but he was suddenly stabbed in the chest dying almost instantly.

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