Second generation

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Name meaning: to love

Nicknames: the stunning diamond 

Age: unknown

Species: dragon

Type: night

Status: deceased 

Gender: female

Parents: Tarazed (father) unknown mother

Siblings: 3 older brothers

Mate: Leif

Children: Oribel (son) Helo (adopted son)

Other family: Alchmene (granddaughter) Yrun, Iga (grandsons) Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Soifa (great grandchildren) Zagreus, Macaria, Mune, Hel (great great grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great great great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great great great grandson) 

Personality: stubborn and headstrong, Grania fights for what she believes in and cherished, she gets embarrassed easily when in a akward moment, she is also a strict yet loving mother who always puts her kids first

Bio: Grania was the youngest daughter of Tarazed the dragon of the stars and an unknown woman, because she had 3 older brothers each with a different mother she was expected to breed with one of her brothers unless she could find a suitable mate but rather then searching for a mate she longed to live her own life and so she lived in an area where dragons had their own territory and stayed in it and only allowed others in during mating season.

For 50 years she lived happily without being bothered by the other dragons until one day while hunting in a river she noticed a trespasser and she attacked him in her dragon form and demanded to know why he was there but soon learned that he didn't know about the territory nor did he live in the area and so she let him off the hook and after some convincing she let him stay with her since she didn't see him as a threat. 

For the next few weeks she let him live and hunt with her and the two had grown closer to each other but one day the two were laying together while Leif was unaware that day was her heat cycle and he was too close to her, that night the two would consummate their Union and become mates, a month later she went with him to meet his family who quickly took a liking to her and welcomed her into the family which she was deeply grateful for.

After being together for 4 years she gave birth to their son Oribel which made her happy that she bore a child with the man she loved, one day during a hunt she found a human child in a rose bush and decided to take him in, however, her father was deeply against her raising a child that wasn't hers and wanted her to focus on her own son but Leif said he was their son now and named him Helo, with Leif they raised the two children together and we're a very happy. 

20 years later while Oribel and Helo we're now traveling she and Leif we're talking about having more children and but soon this thought was put aside after learning about the changes in Aadhan and so she made sure her children were out of harms way and went to find Epoh in the hope of protecting her but instead she found her half dead and learned that Armageddon had killed all of the golden beings, despite her attempts to save her, Epoh instead begged Grania to flee and to tell everyone that her people will one day be reborn in a new species, having no choice she left Epoh behind knowing she'd be killed but still choosing to follow her wish to the end.

Along side Leif they attempted to get their children far from the danger and the two soon separated to try and deal with the chaos but during this time she learned that her son Helo was killed by dragons which caused her to deeply mourn the loss of one of her children, soon after giving Helo his funeral rights she went looking for Leif only to learn he was killed and devoured by Armageddon, overwhelmed with rage over the loss of her mate she lost all self control and went after Armageddon and tried to kill him, but he was able to easily wound her and mocked her for being unable to avenge Leif death, he then told her it was such a shame that he has to kill her since she would have been a perfect vessel for him but because she did not share his blood her body would break apart so instead he will use her son, horrified she tried to kill him by breathing fire directly into his face but it had no affect on him and he finally killed her by snapping her neck.

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