Fifth generation

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Name meaning: flourish or bloom

Nicknames: flaming beauty

Age: unknown

Species: dragon

Type: fire

Status: deceased

Gender: female

Parents: Soul (father) Alchmene (mother)

Siblings: Himo, Bell, Adelram (brothers) Sofia (twin sister) 

Mate: Sofia 

Children: none

Other family: Yrun, Iga (uncles) Pandora, Elos (cousins) Mune (nephew) Hel (niece) 

Personality: she was stubbron and rebellious against her mother, but she loved hunting because it was the only time her mother actually paid attention to her, she loved to fight to show her strength and disliked being seen as weak because she was female.

Bio: Thalia was born in the middle of Summer along with her twin sister Sofia, she like the rest of her siblings was born to be a possible vessel for Armageddon, she had a strong bond with her sister to the point that she would have anxiety attacks when she was separated from her sister, after some time Alchmene decided that she didn't like Thalia temper and her constantly going against her and much like her sister she was pushed aside and in the end spent most of her days being raised by her father, much like her sister she wasn't very fond of humans and preferred the company of nature and other none humans.

During the years she spent with her father and brothers she was very protective of her sister because she lacked confidence and was seen as weak by others which often resulted in Thalia expressing her vicious temper against others especially her uncle yrun because she wasn't fond of his actions towards her and her sister and after some time she began to avoid him while watching her sister closely.

After some time Alchmene began teaching her to hunt which caused Thalia to question her mother's actions since she had previously shown no interest in being with them but after some time she decided she was at least happy that her mother wanted to be around her and her siblings but she felt uncomfortable when she realized that the hunt was for fun and not for food which resulted in her and her brothers being scolded by their father for hunting for pleasure rather then an actual need for it and so she began avoiding her mother and refused to be close to her after she began to realize what an awful person she was.

As she grew older she began to distance herself further from her mother resulting in her distancing herself from her brothers yet still keeping a strong bond with her sister, however she witnessed Sofia being courted by a male dragon which caused her to feel uneasy and angry and she began to fear that her sister would no longer need her and soon abandon her as a result which led her to getting into a small fight with her sister and soon going away from her.

During the time she was away from Sofia she began to convince herself that she didn't need her and that she would be alone and felt sad without Sofia and while wandering in the woods she was confronted by Sofia who begged her to talk to her  and at first she refused and tried to distance herself but was soon pulled into an embrace by Sofia who admitted she felt so lost without her and as the two hugged Thalia began to realize that she was in love with her sister and for the first time acted on her love for her sister and soon the two became mates much to the disgust of many others since there were many others who wanted her as a mate.

After some time she learned about the birth of her younger brother which after many years had brought the family together which allowed himo and bell to learn about her relationship with Sofia, while himo was a bit supportive of them bell was slightly unsure but they all agreed to happily welcome the birth of their youngest brother Adelram, like the rest of the family she adored her younger brother and was very fond of playing the role of a second mother to him since she felt that Alchmene would neglect him as well but after some time she began to notice that Alchmene paid more attention to him then she ever did for the rest of them which caused her to wonder why and after a few years she realized that Alchmene planned to use him as a vessel which only made her hatred for her mother increase to the point that she attempted to take him away from her but was unable to and instead left her trust in Nyx whom she hoped would lead him on a good path, during this time she and Sofia lived happily as mates with her as the 'dominant' one.

After a few years she was very happy to see her little brother slowly open up to those around him but was also upset to learn that bell was forced to be mated to a female dragon but her thoughts were lost once she learned that her father had been murdered by Alchmene which resulted in Thalia confronting her and declaring that she hates her for everything and never saw her as a mother but a cruel bitter person which earned her a cut to the face and being ridiculed for mating with her sister but she insulted her mother for waisting her life for a father that never loved her.

With time she grew tired of everything her mother had done but soon she began to see how Armageddon influence affected everyone and when she was called by her brothers she happily joined their plan to overthrow him and she and Sofia went with Adelram to face Armageddon head on while Himo and Bell delt with sun, iga, and yrun, along with her sister the two were able to subdue Armageddon after slicing off several of his arms but at the cost of Thalia loosing one of her wings, despite this she continued to fight and protect Sofia and Adelram, however after seeing Sofia loosing her arm and leg she rushed do her aid but was lured into a trap and was burned alive.

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