Second generation

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Name meaning: heir, descendant

Nicknames: the young king

Age: unknown

Species: dragon golden hybrid

Type: golden

Status: deceased

Gender: male

Parents: Aadhan (father) Epoh (mother)

Siblings: none

Mate: Grania 

Children: Oribel (son) Helo (adopted son)

Other family: Alchmene (granddaughter) Yrun, Iga (grandsons) Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Sofia (great grandchildren) Zagreus, Macaria, Mune, Hel (great great grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great great great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great great great grandson) 

Personality: Leif was a quiet man, much like his father he was known for being very calm and collected but he was always willing to help others regardless of species or if they hated him, he always believed in doing the right thing.

Bio: Leif was born in the beginning of spring to Aadhan and Epoh, he was viewed as a miracle child since he was the first hybrid dragon the ever exist and so like his father he was worshipped and like his mother he was deeply loved by the people he met, he had a simple childhood and was taught that pain and love are both apart of life and so he grew to love life and everything it threw at him, because of his rarity he had many suitors who desperately wanted to mate with him, however after learning that his parents were together for love and not because of strength, this made Leif decide that if he was gonna have a mate it had to be someone who loved him and didn't want his power which unfortunately resulted with him turning down many women some of them only wanting him because he was Aadhan son so he began to feel like he was destined to either live his life alone or be with someone who truly doesn't love him.

Years later he decided to hide himself from others by turning into his human form which helped him hide from the women who tried to force him to like them. One day he wandered into a different location where he wanted to get away from the troubles and relax, during that time he went into a lake to hunt for food bit was stopped by another dragon who attacked him for entering their territory, after explaining himself the dragon turned into it's human form and introduce herself as Grania, Leif was so captivated by how beautiful she was he had unintentionally told her this out loud which resulted in Grania being confused by his actions but accepted it, after he introduced himself he was surprised to learn that she didn't know anything about him which made him feel at ease since he feared she would be like the others and after some convincing she allowed him to temporarily stay with her since he was tried and hungry.

For several weeks he lived with Grania and became very fond of her but he felt that she wouldn't truly want to be with him since he felt weak but while they were laying together they shared a kiss and Grania confessed that she loved him and wanted to be his mate and so that night they made love. After the time they spent he returned home with Grania to let her meet his family who took a liking to her and after 4 years being together his son Oribel was born, one day while they were expanding their territory but he was taken by surprise when Grania approached him with a small infant who had been abandoned in a rose bush, because of his instinct as a father he agreed to take the infant in and raise him with his son despite Grania father being deeply against them raising a "weak" child and should instead focus on their own child, despite this he chose to raise the child which he named Helo as his son.

20 years later his children were traveling while he and Grania began thinking about having more children but soon we're distracted after learning about the strange changes in his father and fearing for his mother's safety after learning his father would sometimes hurt her and others, but he was reassured that his mother would handle the problem while focused on his sons but after learning that his mother had been killed he went looking for his father only to learn he was possessed by a being called Armageddon and it killed his mother, overwhelmed with fear he fled with Grania in an attempt to go warn his children of the possible danger but during the escape he learned that his adopted son was killed by dragons, shocked he tried to overcome the grief and went off to face Armageddon who intended to use him as his next vessel but after seeing him Armageddon decided Leif body wasn't strong enough and soon cut off his legs completely immobilizing him and mocking him for not having the courage to kill him since Leif couldn't bring himself to kill his father and then decapitated him

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