Fourth generation

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Name meaning: strong moon

Nicknames: kin killer

Age: 10,000+

Species: dragon

Type: shadows

Status: deceased

Gender: female

Parents: Oribel (father) Nyx (mother)

Siblings: Yrun, Iga

Mate: soul

Children: Himo, Bell, Adelram (son's) Thalia, Sopfia (daughter's)

Other family: Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Soifa (grandchildren) Zagreus, Macaria, Mune, Hel (great grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great great grandson) Helo (adopted uncle)  Leif (grandfather) Grania (grandmother) Aadhan (great grandfather) Epoh (great grandmother)

Personality: cold and uncaring even to her own children, she loved to taunt, torture and cause pain to everyone around her and didn't care for the consequences of her actions nor did she care who they affected, not even the death of her children affected her, however she did seem to care for Adelram whom she referred to as her favorite child and thought he suffered a meaningless death, she also longed to be acknowledge by Armageddon to the point that she had children in the hopes that one of them could be a suitable vessel for him.

Bio: Alchmene was born during the end of fall and was the first child of Nyx, she was corrupted by the darkness from Armageddon during her conception and so her very soul was tainted before she was even born, during the early years of her life she sometimes hurt others and soon realized she enjoyed hurting others. Once her brother Yrun was born her personality got worse to where she started killing without being provoked and even began to do it in front of her brother who just like her liked to cause pain despite Nyx trying to make her see that hurting others for no real reason would eventually cause her trouble but she simply shrugged it off and continued to go out and kill others, especially other dragons. By the time her younger brother Iga was born, she was already known and feared by everyone who lived in the area which made her happy, as her brothers grew older she began to realize they they both were sexually attracted to her which she thought was amusing and so as a form of a twisted game she would expose certain parts of her body and at one point was completely naked in front of them only to say brush it off the moment they seem to react to her game. 

After years of taunting her brothers she gree bored of them and began to dedicate herself into getting her father to acknowledge her but Armageddon was not fond of her and had seen her as a failure of a vessel especially considering that she lacked the ability to truly love anyone but after learning that he needed a vessel she decided to venture further out to the other kingdoms in search of a possible mate to have children to offer as vessels to him, but because of her reputation many dragons did not want her as a mate, and so she used her ability to change her physical appearance to disguise herself and went into the woods where she soon found a young dragon named Soul who was the guardian of a nearby village and upon seeing her Soul almost immediately fell in love with her, despite her seeing him as weak she decided to humor him and gave into his attempts to win her love and after some time she decided to make him her mate.

During the time of spring Alchmene had given birth to her firstfchild Himo, although many had congratulated her on the birth of her child she wasn't satisfied by the results she got and soon decided to manipulate Soul into impregnating her again which resulted in the birth of her second child Bell who was slightly better but she also thought he was too small and so 3 years later she gave birth to twin girls Thalia and Sofia but they were not what she was hoping for so 13 years later she managed to give birth to her final child, her youngest son Adelram whom she developed a slight liking too because she felt he had great potential but because she wasn't font of the responsibility of being a mother she left the care of her children to be mainly raised by their father and Nyx and would rarely interact with them unless it involved hunting or if it had anything to do with Adelram since she was planning to groom him to be Armageddon next possible vessel.

After years of avoiding most of her children she was surprised and disappointed to learn that Adelram had decided to go against Armageddon and his followers which she found amusing since she believed that although he was strong he wasn't strong enough to kill her father, however she was proven wrong when her son was able to defeat and seal Armageddon away but at the cost of loosing half of his lifespan which she felt was a pointless fight since it would result in the early death of her favorite child and it also meant that her attempts to make Armageddon proud of her was in the end a failure.

After several years of being Soul mate she began to grow tired of him and his grieve over the death of 3 of their children and so she wanted to end their relationship but because he was deeply in love with her he did not want to be separated from her so she eventually decided to give him "peace" and lured him to the very same forest where they met and killed him but she failed to realize that because he was a dragon of earth the humans who loved him had relied on him for food and she had unknowingly invoked their wrath against her and so some of them began to hunt her down but because of her arrogance she believed that they weren't capable of killing her and she found it amusing that it took 12 years for the humans to catch up with her, however she was completely unaware of the fact that in those years hunters had been creating special weapons that could be used to kill dragons and so they engaged her in a fight and took her by surprise when they were able to weaken her, in her final moments she stated how much she wished she had caused more pain before they finally killed her.

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