Fourth generation

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Name meaning: the servant

Nicknames: the mad dragon/son

Age: 10000+

Species: dragon

Type: wind

Status: alive

Gender: hermaphrodite (identifies as male)

Parents: Oribel (father) Nyx (mother) 

Siblings: Alchmene (sister) Iga (brother)

Mate: none

Children: Pandora (child) Elos (child) several unnamed children

Other family: Helo (adopted uncle)  Leif (grandfather) Grania (grandmother) Aadhan (great grandfather) Epoh (great grandmother) Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Sofia (niece's and nephews)  Zagreus, Macaria (grandchildren) 

Personality: when he was younger Yrun was a kind child but overtime he began to feel uncomfortable with his body and felt that his body wasn't right and so he worked hard to have people see that he was a man and would lure woman and force himself on them not realizing he suffers from body dysphoria, as adult he developed a strong love for learning but at the cost of causing others pain

Bio: Yrun was born during a lunar eclipse and at first seemed to be an ordinary child but he had slight violent tendencies but insisted it was because he "wanted to learn" and spent his time with Armageddon as he was fascinated by the things he did, he also let his sister influence him from time to time. When he was about 11 his younger brother Iga was born.

When Yrun got older he began to realize that his body was not like his brothers as he began to notice that he had female parts and began to wonder why he looked the way he did and slowly began to hate his female parts and became more violent when people mentioned them and began to force himself onto random women inorder to prove he was a man, at some point he grew sick and tired of his noticable breasts and decided to ripe them off his body so that people would stop confusing him for a woman. One day while he was traveling he came across a human woman and took an interest in her, but the woman was terrified of him and tried to run from him which made him find amusement in her fear so he chased her and eventually caught up with her and raped her, afterwards he secretly watched her and discovered that she was now pregnant with his child and so he made sure that he and his hypnos didn't loose track of her to see what kind of baby she'd give birth too, during this time he was making occasional sexual advances towards his sister only for her to reject him in a very cruel manner.

After waiting he received news that his child had finally been born but when he saw Pandora, he was disappointed because they were no different from him and couldn't turn into a full dragon form which disappointed him because he wanted a "perfect" child and so without further thought he abandoned Pandora in the care of their mother and not long after he went off the repeat the same thing resulting in the birth in Elos and several other children however the other children had died young (infants, children, teens) and so after years of "experimenting" he grew tired of it because he kept getting the same results, either they were born hermaphrodites or they died young and so he decide to search for his first child Pandora and took them in as his only success, he often took Pandora with him and would continue various experiments and at one point tried to create a chemical that could alter ones gender and was tempted to try it on Pandora but decided to use it on a different dragon only to see that the results ended with said dragons body being turned inside out and their reproductive system was damaged beyond repair so he forced Pandora to kill the dragon as a "mercy" killing. With time he decided that although he didn't want to loose track of Pandora, he also didn't want to deal with them because they hated killing so he went to his mother Nyx and left Pandora with her knowing that Nyx motherly charm would make Pandora become attached to her. In time he lost interest in his sister and dedicated his work to pleasing Armageddon whom he viewed more as a leader then a father and began working on black magic that could reanimate the dead and use them as an eternal army however while he was in the middle of completing the magic he was forced into a fight against Adelram which he ended up loosing and was sealed away along with his brother, father and the cult that worshipped Armageddon.

After being locked away for over 1000 years he and the others were able to escape with him joining his brother to confront their mother, while iga was overjoyed to see her Yrun was very reluctant to even speak to her despite the fact that he was secretly happy that she never stopped thinking of him and his brother. After leaving Nyx he went looking for new corpses to  experiment on but ended up running into Pandora which made Yrun curious about how his child had been but Pandora was not happy to see him which he acted sad and told them that that was no way to act around their father and that it's not wrong for him to want to see them, and so the two talked for a short while and he unintentionally tricked Pandora into confessing that they had fallen in love with a man named Charles but they were scared that he wouldn't want them, this lead to Yrun wanting to try out on an experiment he had been working on before he was sealed away and he convinced Pandora to drink it, promising that it would make Charles love them, however the drug was actually a very strong aphrodisiac which caused Pandora intense arousal and pain, Yrun was amused by this as Pandora cried in pain, Yrun offered to "relieve" the pain but Pandora instantly rejected him knowing full well what Yrun had meant and they immediately fled from him. Once he had rejoined Armageddon he once again began working on trying to reanimate the dead, his first attempt would result in creating a black deformed tar like monster that he deemed a failure and he abandoned it in the dark forest (which would result in the death of Glim) but after some thought he returned to the dark forest to retrieve it because he wanted to study it's body a bit more but when he arrived he learned that not only had it been killed but Pandora had gone there as well in order to examine it which amused Yrun who pointed out that despite the fact that Pandora often avoided him, they could never deny that they were father and child and often thought alike, but his train of thoughts was instantly put on hold when he realized that Pandora was pregnant and he began to ask about the father but he had noticed Pandora's reluctance and began to taunt them over the possibility that the father of Pandora child probably doesn't want them because their body is imperfect and he jokingly states that he wouldn't blame Charles for not wanting to be with Pandora  which resulted in them lashing out at him and stating that they are better then him and he shouldn't talk because all he ever did was rape women then abandon them and that he never once tried to love those women yet Pandora was able to fall in love and is always trying to make the relationship between themself and Charles work but this amused Yrun who grabbed Pandora and remind them that they shouldn't be talking back to him because he won't hesitate to kill the child and rob Pandora of the one thing they love which made Pandora back way and ask why did he create this thing but Yrun simply told them it wasn't their business to know, he then took the corpse and left Pandora alone in the dark forest.

After sometime he began working alongside Sun another dragon and "friend" of Armageddon, during that time he decided to test his new creation on the kingdom of Falicia, knowing that Kayla and her group were there trying to find Regulus, while Sun was fighting Mune he went after Kayla and Fenir, he injured Fenir and began to dig his fingers into the cut on Kayla face resulting in the cut stretching from her scalp almost to her eye but before he could do more damage to her he was suddenly attacked by Nalmis who then took the unconscious children away to safety, during the war his corpses we're destroyed by Kyran and Carina but since he had gotten the results he wanted he had had reanimated the dead bodies of tortured elves and had them kill the king before they were burned by Mune, and since Sun had been injured the two fled.

While Sun was recovering from his wounds Yrun began working on his corpses to make them more resilient to fire and once they were done he once again reanimated the corpses of the dead elves and humans and sent them to the witches kingdom to steal the Queen's amulet, but the witches had put up a fight which ended when he personally destroyed the Queen's physical body and took the amulet and left. While he was testing on some of the elf corpses he was surprised to see that one of them was somehow able to think independently unlike the others that were empty husks, as he was fixing the ones that had been damaged he received news that Nyx had been killed by an unknown person so both he and Iga had rushed to the mountains to see the body of their mother who had been decapitated which made Iga think that she was killed by a hunter, as Yrun prepared her body for the burning ceremony he silently cried over the loss of his mother and admitted that he regretted not speaking to her when he had the chance to do so, during Nyx funeral he silently watched her body burn to ashes and silently went back to his experiments.

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