Fourth generation

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Name meaning: weaver


Age: 20s

Species: human


Status: deceased 

Gender: female

Parents: unkown

Siblings: none

Mate: none

Children: Pandora (child)

Other family: Pollux, Melione (grandchildren) 

Personality: she was originally a quiet shy woman but after the incident she became broken and sad and was unsure of the choices to make concerning her unborn child, when Yrun returned she became paranoid and feared that he would come back to attack her.

Bio: Penelope was born in an unknown town and spent her days helping others and wishing to one day find love and have a family, she would often wander in some places and sometimes went into the forest  despite others telling her it was dangerous but she would simply say that since she had done it several times it should be safe for her to go. One day while she was collecting fruits she was suddenly approached by an unknown man who seemed to try and get too close to her which made Penelope uncomfortable and she quickly avoided him.

Not long after avoiding him, she was quickly being chased by him and despite her efforts she was soon caught and fought against him but she didn't stand a chance against him and was raped by him. After the assault she was left alone to deal with the trauma and she tried to tell herself it didn't happen but she felt uneasy and avoided going outside which made the people who knew her worry and some began to bring her food so that she wouldn't starve but unaware to them she had soon realized she was pregnant with Yrun child and wasn't sure what to do, the villagers disapproved of abortions so she refused to do so but she also knew that some would ridicule her if she didn't have a spouse and she couldn't bring herself to tell the people what happened so in the middle of the night she gathered her stuff and left the town.

After leaving she eventually found a small hut that she slightly fixed and began living in it while thinking about the child in her but after some thought she felt it would be wrong to abandon the child and so she decided to have and raise the baby. 8 months later she sought the help of a traveling doctor to assist her in childbirth, after 22 hours of labor she finally delivered her child but was shocked to see that her child had both genders and after a while of being in shock she eventually decided to name the child Pandora.

For years Penelope struggled to raise Pandora and wasn't sure to refer to them as a son or a daughter but she eventually told them she didn't care to pick their gender for them, overtime she began to ignore and neglect Pandora, but only when she would have PTSD and she often left Pandora to care for themselves but with time her desire to care for her child got to the point that she almost never seemed to care if Pandora was ok or not.

When Pandora was about 11 Yrun would come back which caused her to panic and beg him to leave, but Yrun simply told her he was there to take Pandora, although she was hesitant she eventually agreed to let him take Pandora so that she could return back the her home town and move on from the memories of what happened, but when she finally did return she learned that the town was destroyed by an unknown monster and so with no home and nowhere else to go she went searching for Pandora but never came close to finding him and eventually died of old age.

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