Fifth generation

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Name meaning: gifted one/all gift

Nicknames: Liar, failure, the mystery box, and sweetheart (by yrun) 

Age: 1000+ (physically: 25)

Species: human dragon hybrid 

Type: night/nightmare 

Status: alive

Gender: hermaphrodite (identifies as female) 

Parents: Yrun (father) Penelope (mother) 

Siblings: elos (half sibling) several unnamed half siblings) 

Mate: Charles 

Children: Zagreus (son) Macaria (daughter)

Other family: oribel (grandfather) Nyx (grandmother) Alchmene (paternal aunt) Iga (paternal uncle) Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Sophia (cousins) Mune, Hel (second cousins) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (third cousins) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe (fourth cousins) Sasaum (fifth cousin) 

Personality: witty and a fast thinker, Pandora makes it their personal goal to learn people's weaknesses and use them to get their way, they only show kindness but only if they know it will benefit them, but behind this is a sad lonely person who secretly longs for love and acceptance yet feels like they don't deserve it, but after meeting a young human boy they began to regain hope that there was still a chance for them to find happiness.

Bio: Pandora was the child of a human woman named Penelope and was born in a small hut, soon after they was born it was revealed that Pandora had both genders which made their mother contemplate on wether to call them a boy or a girl yet decided not to bother with it and instead let them choose when they were old enough. 

Throughout their life Pandora was kept hidden most of the time and despite they're love for Penelope, they soon realized that she was a bit emotionally distant from them, one day after attempting to get close to her, they were shunned after she had a panic attack and after this Pandora learned to stay away from her when she would have these fits and began to learn how to care for themselves, with the years that had gone by Pandora soon realized that she no longer seemed to care for their well being.

At the age of 11 Pandora had began to realize that they were different and asked Penelope if they were a boy or a girl to which Penelope explained that after spending so much time debating on it she had given up on it and told them to go by whatever gender they felt they could identify with which Pandora didn't understand, it was during these days of confusion that Pandora would suddenly be confronted by a mysterious man who would appear which terrified Penelope as they quickly realized this strange man was they're father Yrun and he had come to claim Pandora who was scared of being separated from their mother but Yrun convinced Penelope to let him claim *his* child and he will in turn leave her alone forever and with this she gave Pandora to him, while being taken away Pandora learned that they had multiple siblings but they all were deemed failures and the only reason why he came for them was because he was the only one who was considered good enough.

Once they made it into the mountains and into a large cave Pandora was suddenly left alone with an unknown woman who despite her kind smile Pandora refused to speak to her do to fear but after a few hours they slowly got closer to the woman whom they learned was Nyx they're grandmother and it was this interaction that allowed them to be more comfortable with being with the rest of the family, during the days they spent with Nyx, Pandora began to feel like they should be female and after telling this to Nyx she happily encouraged them that as long as they were happy that's all that matters.

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