Fifth generation

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Name meaning: desire or passion 


Age: ????

Species: dragon


Status: deceased

Gender: male

Parents: Soul (father) Alchmene (mother)

Siblings: Bell, Adelram (brothers) Thalia Sofia (sisters)

Mate: unknown 

Children: unknown

Other family: Pandora, Elos (cousins) Mune (nephew) Hel (niece) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great niece's and nephews) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great niece's and nephews) Sasaum (great great great nephew) 

Personality: he was very calm and wasn't fond of fighting despite being urged on to do so by his mother and preferred to solve things in a more peaceful, however he was willing to fight if it meant protecting his family.

Bio: Himo was the first child of Alchmene and Soul, he was originally born to be a possible vessel for Armageddon but he was seen as frail and weak and as a result he was in a way neglected by his mother and was mostly raised by his father who taught him the joys of life and to have a love for humans, during those early years he like his father was also loved by the villagers and was often offered sweets which he enjoyed, but after being punished by his mother he stopped accepting the offerings. Some time after he learned that he was going to be an older brother and looked forward to being able to have someone he could feel close too soon after the birth of his brother Bell he was very fond of him and would often go hunting with him which they both loved but was told by his father that he should only hunt when he needs to and not just for fun because needlessly harming the animals in the forest caused Soul pain, with time his sister's we're born and as they all grew they were very close to each other and during this time Himo attempted to gain the love and acknowledgement from his mother but was often brushed aside and as a result he preferred the company of his father and siblings.

Over the years of his life he developed a fascination with humans and along with bell he would sometimes watch them and secretly try to make life easier for them, it was during this time that he learned that his mother had given birth to yet another child a boy named Adelram, he was deeply overjoyed at the news of having another sibling and happily welcomed and cared for his younger brother but was soon fearful of the fact that Alchmene saw Adelram as a perfect vessel so he secretly tried to protect him.

Over time he would occasionally join his brother in hunting and a part of him enjoyed it since it was something he and his family could enjoy together but like always he would simply watch and encourage his siblings not to hunt for fun but for food and to never take more then they needed but he was brushed aside whenever his mother would join in since she hunted just for the thrill of killing.

With the years that went by he soon began to travel more along with bell and the two became fond of humans but his fascination with them wasn't as strong as bells but he admired and encourage his brother to have a relationship with a human if that was what he wanted but after a few months he was given news of the death of his father which caused him to immediately go back to the village and learned that his mother had killed his father, this put him in a rage and he attempted to fight his mother but was easily beaten down and told he had no right to go against because she was his mother and despite his anger he listened to her and soon tried to help the villagers as best as he could.

After a few years he rejoined bell, Sofia and Thalia in order to find Adelram and get him to be on their side after realizing the cult that Armageddon had created was causing a bad influence on the people to the point that a new religion was created by his followers that had caused great harm and torment to those who either didn't agree or went by a different belief and so to put a stop to him and his followers they all prepared to go against him starting with Sun, Yrun and Iga since they were his right hand men and they knew getting rid of them was the best way to start. After defeating them he went after the cult and began killing as many as he could and then lured the rest into a trap to help seal them, after this he joined with his sisters and fought against Armageddon, however during the fight he was sliced in half and killed

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