Third generation

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Name meaning: night

Nicknames: the Queen mother, Mistress (by her servants) the mother

Age: 10000+

Species: dragon

Type: night and water

Status: deceased

Gender: female

Parents: unknown

Siblings: one younger brother

Mate: Aranea (lover) Oribel (mate) 

Children: Alchmene (daughter) Yrun, Iga (son's)

Other family: Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Soifa (grandchildren) Zagreus, Macaria, Mune, Hel (great grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great great grandson) 

Personality: Nyx is calm collected and wise, she has a strong motherly nature towards her family and always speaks in a gentle manner and always give advice to others, however she is deeply depressed after being forced to live for so long and loosing the ones she loved and being forced to bare children, she secretly longs for peace and being free from her years of confinement 

Bio: Nyx was born in a dark forest she was the result of her parents (who were siblings) having her to improve their bloodline along with her younger brother who ended up dying young, as she grew older she decided to try and make herself known to the world however she lived in a time period where female dragons we're considered weak and powerless and we're looked down upon, but because of the circumstances surrounding her birth she was surprisingly born with remarkable abilities because she had two different elements and she grew to be a very strong dragon and was both feared and respected, once she was a full grown dragon she soon began to settle down and live in a nearby cave which was connected to a river which she used as her home. Years of living there she would kill or attack anyone who came into her territory and as a  peace offering she was offered a human girl named Aranea as a sacrifice, however she choose not to kill her and instead allowed her to live with her in the cave and soon the two became close and over time they became lovers.

The two lived happily together but in time they were unaware they were being watched by a human named Neron who was there to save Aranea but quickly dropped the idea and developed an obsession with Nyx after seeing her in her human form and he would make his presence known to them and after 6 months he gained their trust until he was soon able to kill Aranea but Nyx found out and soon killed him as revenge for the death of her lover, heartbroken she spent most of her life hiding in her cave and the river, trying hard to avoid the attention of others after loosing her faith in others.

One day while she was sitting near her lake mourning the loss of her lover she was soon found by two boys Oribel and Helo, despite the later being kind and friendly to her, Nyx did not enjoy their company as she was still deeply broken over the loss of Aranea but still since she wasn't in the mood to ward them off she allowed them to spend time with her while unaware that Helo was love struck with her and so he came to see her very often in the hopes that she would like him despite the fact that he wasn't a dragon.

After 3 of spending time with Helo and Oribel, she began to accept Helo comfort and company despite knowing Oribel didn't like her at all, she began to spend time with him more often and one night while Oribel was hunting she and Helo decided to make love that night and vow that they would be mates in the future, a few months later they learned about Aadhan possession and we're warned to flee to a safe place, but during the commotion she was separated from Helo and Oribel but assumed that they'd both be ok and she waited for them to return but after learning that the brothers had been separated she immediately went looking for Helo and found out that he was killed by other dragons who wanted her as their mate, while attempting to comfort Oribel over the loss of his brother but she was shoved away and told that he died because of her since she had promised that she'd protect him when he wasn't around but she failed and let him die. Soon after learning Oribel Nyx tried to return to her original life but was unable to forget the pain of failing to protect yet another love and as she was thinking about what to do with her life she was found by Oribel who much to her confusion attempted to seduce her but because of his harsh words from before, Nyx rejected him only to be punched so hard in the stomach she lost consciousness.

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