Third generation

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Name meaning: gold 

Nicknames: Armageddon, that man, 

Age: unknown

Species: dragon

Type: earth

Status: alive 

Gender: male

Parents: Leif (father) Grania (mother)

Siblings: Helo (adopted brother,)

Mate: Nyx

Children: Alchmene (daughter) Yrun, Iga (son's) 

Other family: Aadhan (grandfather) Epoh (grandmother) Tarazed (grandfather) Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Sofia (grandchildren)   Zagreus, Macaria, Mune, Hel (great grandchildren) Badru, gezus, nerlo, Nazar, Stado, Nalmis, Bogol, Fenir, Kayla (great great grandchildren) Aranea, Aileen, Alexio, Andras, Castor, Damian, Catalina, Talia, Muriel, Lydia, Eudora, Pheixus, Elek, Aubis, Pollux, Melinoe(great great great grandchildren) Sasaum (great great great great grandson) 

Personality: calm with a strong sense of judgement and preference, he had a deep bond with his brother, but he wasn't fond of his brother constantly falling in love so quickly but still deciding to at least keep a close eye on him to avoid his brother being hurt, after being possessed by Armageddon he was slightly more emotional since he was now trapped in his own body forever inflicted with depression and guilt for forcing Nyx to suffer with him while on the outside he was brutal and sadistic, only caring about himself and his future vessel.

Bio: Oribel was born in the beginning of Autumn as the only child of Leif and Grania, when he was a few days old his parents discovered an abandoned child and that child Helo became his brother. Since childhood he had always been close to his brother and often would often try to keep him out of harms way and even tried to emotionally protect him since he was always being rejected.

Once they became adults they traveled everywhere together but one day they came across a lake where they met Nyx, despite her allowing them to temporarily stay with her, Oribel was not fond of her and disliked the fact that Helo had feelings for her and often tried his best to keep the two apart in out of fear that she would reject him and cause him pain. But in time he began to realize that Helo and Nyx we're slowly getting closer and tried to be happy but deep down he was scared after learning that many dragons wanted to be with Nyx and would hurt Helo if they got the chance.

One day he was found by his father and was told that his grandfather was possessed and that he and Helo need to get to a safe place and so they fled, however during the chaos he was separated from his brother and Nyx, with Nyx help he desperately tried to find his brother and soon they discovered that he had been killed by other dragons, overwhelmed with grief he searched for his parents along with Nyx only to learn that they had been killed by Armageddon, soon after he began to blaim Nyx for not protecting Helo when he couldn't and so he forced her away and was left to wallow in self pity, unknown to him Armageddon was looking for him and once he found him, he immediately too the opportunity to force himself into Oribel body and quickly possessing him and leaving Aadhan to die alone.

Once Armageddon had taken full control of Oribel he realized that he needed to produce children so that he'd have another vessel in the future, so he went looking for Nyx and had originally attempted to seduce her but she refused him which resulted in him punching her in the stomach and knocking her out, he took her high in the mountains and placed shackles on her wrists and and a collar around her neck, once she had regained consciousness Armageddon proceed to rape Nyx and force her to become his mate.

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