Fifth generation

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Name meaning:  handsome

Nicknames: odd one

Age: unknown

Species: dragon 

Type: snow

Status: deceased 

Gender: male

Parents: Soul (father) Alchmene (mother)

Siblings: Himo, Adelram (brothers) Thalia, Sofia (sisters)

Mate: Maeve

Children: unknown

Other family: Yrun, Iga (uncles) Pandora, Elos (cousins) Mune (nephew) Hel (niece)

Personality: Bell was considered the odd one in his family, unlike his siblings he was  the only one in the family who actually loved humans and wanted to live with them, he was very vibrant and happy 

Bio: bell was the second child of Alchmene and Soul, unlike his older brother, Alchmene saw more potential in him and thought he had a higher chance to become the next Armageddon and so she gave him a bit more attention in order to groom him to be the vessel and for about 8 years she would put him through difficult tasks and see how he could emotionally handle things but after sometime she began to realize that he unable to improve further (mainly because her training was too difficult for someone as young as he was) and that he had preferred to be more peaceful and was more similar to his father and as a result she pushed him into the care of his father and brother which didn't bother him at first but deep down because of how young he was he still wanted to be loved by his mother but after about 3 years of being cared for by his father and brother he decided that the love he got from them was all the love he needed.

During those 3 years after his mother gave up on him his sisters we're born which made him happy because he would have others to play with, during this time he would assist his father and enjoyed the company of humans and so he unlike his brother he developed a love for humans to the point he wanted to be with them always but with time his mother noticed this and didn't want him to be close to 'things' that were beneath them and so she started taking him to Sun to make him learn the cruelty of humans, but this didn't fully change his views. 

Eventually he along with his brother and sisters began hunting with Alchmene which made him happy deep down since they were all able to interact with his mother even though it was mostly just for fun, he was soon after told by his father that although the was nothing wrong with hunting he shouldn't do it for simply fun and so he soon began to dislike hunting to the point that he was considered odd especially since his interactions with humans increased to the point that he kinda began to distance himself from other dragons and his family.

After a few years he received news that he would have another new sibling which brought him so much joy he soon began to  recindle his bond with his siblings and unlike himo he was quite surprised about learning about the relationship between his sisters but he soon after accepted this since he deeply loved them and didn't want to ruin the reunion and instead wanted to celebrate the the arrival of his youngest sibling Adelram. Not long after being able to interact with him, Bell grew very attached to his younger brother and would even do everything to protect him even if he wasn't in any real danger. Over the years he began to notice that Alchmene paid more attention on Adelram then she ever did with any of the other children which deep down made him jealous of the fact that his younger brother got all the 'love' he used to long for as a child which made him slightly resent his brother and on some occasions he would ignore him.

At some point in his life he was taken to the caves to meet his grandmother Nyx and during their interactions he realized that he was closer to her then he ever was to Alchmene and he had also learned that she was planning to use Adelram as a vessel for Armageddon and he began to feel bad for the resentment he had for his brother and tried to be closer to him in the hopes that they could be as close as they used to be. As he grew older his love for humans got stronger and he started to long for a life with them which his father happily encouraged him to do and soon he began a brief relationship with a human girl but soon the budding relationship was stopped by Alchmene who deeply disapproved of him 'diluting' their pureblood and soon forced him to be mated to a young female dragon named Maeve, despite her kind loving and supportive nature he still felt upset knowing that unlike his sisters he was denied the freedom to love who he wanted to be with.

After some time with Maeve he slowly began to care for her and accepted her but deep down he felt that he couldn't love her the way he loved humans which made him feel guilt since he new she loved him deeply, as the years went on he along with  himo learned about the death of soul which left him in a state of grief over loosing his father and at the same time not having the will to confront Alchmene for her actions but he at least helped his brother and soon he began to hate that she was his mother and after exploring he saw the terrible things Armageddon followers did and with his siblings he agreed that they should put a stop to him and along with himo and his sisters they took down iga, yrun, and sun, after sealing them away he went to take the civilians to a safer place and then rejoined his siblings to fight Armageddon, during the fight he would take a spear to the heart while trying to protect his sisters.

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