Fourth generation

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Name meaning: fire

Nicknames: the kind son

Age: 10000

Species: dragon

Type: fire

Status: alive

Gender: male

Parents: Oribel (father) Nyx (mother)

Siblings: Alchmene (sister) Yrun (brother)

Mate: Cordelia (former lover) Sophia (wife)

Children: unborn daughter

Other family: Helo (adopted uncle)  Leif (grandfather) Grania (grandmother) Aadhan (great grandfather) Epoh (great grandmother) Pandora, Elos, Adelram, Himo, Bell, thalia, Soifa (niece's and nephews) 

Personality: calm yet kind, iga tries to avoid conflict and plays the voice of reason when helping his brother with other people, he cares for others and longs to be a good person like his mother

Bio: Iga was born at the beginning of summer and was the youngest and last child of Nyx, unlike his siblings he was not tainted by Armageddon and was seen as the last thing that was left of Oribel, because of this he was mostly raised by his mother who taught him to be kind and to love. During his childhood he often watched his older siblings but would question their reasons for the pain and torment they caused to others to which Yrun explained that Alchmene did it for fun while he did it for "research" but he didn't like seeing the victims of his siblings so he would go to his mother and seek comfort from her.

One day when he was a child he witnessed Nyx standing up to Armageddon in order to protect Iga after he had disobeyed Armageddon after he told him not to leave the mountains because humans at the time were killing dragon children, when Nyx got in Armageddon way stating that Iga was a child and shouldn't be so harshly scolded, but Armageddon decided that he would instead punish Nyx and ended up punching her so hard in the chest she was unable to breath and was left on the ground in pain struggling while Iga was forced to watch her suffer. Once he was allowed to see his mother he broke down into tears and asked for forgiveness but she simply shrugged it off and told him that as long as he was ok she would take any form of pain and as a result Iga vowed that he would obey the rules more to avoid his mother taking his punishments.

After the incident he befriended Sun a dragon who was bound to Armageddon because of a blood pact that was made between them, the two would often read and assist eachother whenever Armageddon gave them tasks to take care of, during this time he was also introduced to Sun adopted daughters whom he developed a sibling bond with.

As he grew older he developed a slight attraction to his sister who would tease both him and Yrun and then reject them, which slightly annoyed him since he didn't fully understand his attraction to her or why she would tease them if she was just gonna be cruel to them every time they responded. During the years he spent with his mother he was very curious with the people around him and began to spend more time with Yrun because he was older and more experienced with the outside world, however he slowly grew distant from his brother because he didn't like watching him torture innocent beings just for "curiosity" and he wandered from his brother only to get lost in the forest because he wasn't to navigate his way back home and decided to try and fly his way back home, but he had gone on the wrong direction and ended up in vampire kingdom where he was temporally welcomed by the vampire queen Cordelia.

Once he was given proper directions he returned to his mother and told her all the things that happened and how he even got to spend time with the vampire queen and had intended to go see her again. Once he finally reached adulthood he decided he didn't want to be involved with his sister or brother and instead focused on helping Armageddon and trying to protect his mother with the help of his friend Sun, at the same time he was trying to get the vampires to form an alliance with Armageddon, while doing so he and Cordelia began to grow closer and even started talking about the possibility of starting a relationship, however because of the strict rules in the vampire kingdom Cordelia was not allowed to marry outside her species and was expected to instead marry a vampire noble who had been chosen for her which left Iga broken and sad over the thoughts that he could never be with her, while dealing with the heartbreak he was comforted by Sun who told him that he also knew how it felt to fall in love only for it to end in tears and that he shouldn't worry because sooner or later he'll either find a way to be with Cordelia or move on to be with another.

One day he and Yrun and Sun were going to meet with Armageddon until they were ambushed by Adelram and his siblings, although he didn't want to fight, Iga fought against them but he was easily beaten since he truly loved them and didn't want to kill his niece's and nephews and so he, Sun and Yrun were defeated and the sealed away along with Armageddon.

Once the seal was broken Iga was surprised to learn that 1000 years had past since the incident and so he and Yrun returned to the cave to see Nyx who much to Iga relief his mother was still alive and was happy to see him and his brother despite Yrun not saying a single word to her, Iga knew he was happy. After the reunion Iga was ordered to go back to the vampire kingdom to try and convince them to work with Armageddon which he was secretly hopeful for since he wanted to see Cordelia but is disappointed after learning that not only did she die but bore her death she was forced to bear a child and after years of generation, he was introduced to the temporary queen Raslia and the true princess Sophia and he easily gained the favor of Raslia who wanted to end the tradition of vampire royals only being allowed to marry royals and be free to marry out of love and not nobility however many of the other vampires disapproved of him and some stated that because Raslia was not the true queen she couldn't change the rules and the only one who could was Sophia but because she refused the throne and gave it to her half sister the rules couldn't be changed, and so after the failed meeting he tried to become friends with Sophia in the hopes that he could convince her that it's better for things to change and that he is certain that Cordelia lived a sad life because she was forced to marry someone she didn't love, however Sophia reveals that her father was Cordelia great grandson and he had revealed that Cordelia died happy because she was surrounded by her children and grandchildren up until her death which made him slightly happy and he quickly had a conversation with Sophia and after some time he fell asleep with his head on her lap as she sang a gentle tune for him. After visiting the kingdom for 3 months he began to grow closer to Sophia but couldn't bring himself to think that he was starting to love her but when he learned that she might be arranged to marry someone else which reminded him of Cordelia and he told her that for once in her life just do something that will make her happy which prompt her to kiss him, at first he rejected her but soon decided that this would benefit him and so he encouraged her to continue being with him, but after a month he realized that he was developing genuine feelings for Sophia and soon asked her to become his mate which she happily agreed to and they soon consummated their relationship.

After being with Sophia he was send a message  from a hypno informing him of the death of his mother which made him immediately rush to the cave with Yrun and Sun to see Nyx body which made him break down at the sight of his mother's corpse.

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