Fourth generation

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Name meaning: wisdom

Nicknames: the hidden princess 

Age: 100 (physically 20s)

Species: vampire


Status: alive

Gender: female

Parents: Jonah (father) Fenicia (mother)

Siblings: Raslia (half sister) 

Mate: Iga (husband)

Children: unborn daughter

Other family: Rosette (stepmother) Lorenzo (grandfather) Ariana (grandmother) Albert (great grandfather) Elizabeth (great grandmother) Cordelia (great great grandmother) 

Personality: Sophia is calm and elegant, she rarely ever raised her voice and even in difficult situations she remained level headed and thinks before speaking 

Bio: born in Riga to the King and Queen, as the second child she was deeply loved and admires but she felt alone and had very little friends who were only close to her because she she was the child of royalty, her only true comfort was her older sister Raslia whom she felt could always see the real her, however this joy soon died after it was revealed that her sister was the result of the their mother having an affair with another man, but because Jonah had raised both girls he refused to strip Raslia of her title as princess but soon Sophia was made the crowned princess and their mother was banished from the kingdom which made her deeply sad but she eventually lost respect for her mother after learning that she did not regret the affair and had hopped Raslia would take the throne as revenge for being forced to marry a man she did not love.

After some time her father remarried a noble but Sophia was not fond of her and hated how Rosette would try to keep her separated from her sister which caused her to dislike her stepmother to the point of not wanting the throne since Rosette was trying to polish her to be a great Queen.

With time, Sophia avoided the responsibility of being queen and preferred her sister take the role, after the death of her father she along with Raslia worked to get ride of Rosette and soon the two sisters agreed that they would both try to rule the kingdom with Raslia taking the title as Queen while Sophia mostly delt with keeping officials and nobles on their side, but because many were aware that Raslia was not a true royal they refused to truly obey her unless Sophia gave the approval.

After silently ruling the kingdom along side her half sister they would slow start to disagree with eachother which caused a rift between Sophia and her sister and so she began to become more distant to the point that Raslia was ruling the kingdom by herself while she tried to keep people from trying to overthrow her sister. After some time the kingdom was suddenly visited by Iga who tried to get the nobles and councilmen to agree to work along side Armageddon and to get ride of the rules of arranged marriages which Raslia was up for but Sophia refused to speak for her sister behalf and as a result many of the royal advisors refused stating that because Raslia was no true Queen she had no power to change the rules but Iga acknowledged that many of them were more than likely tired of old customs and might secretly want to get ride of old ways but they stated they wouldn't unless Sophia said otherwise.

After the meeting ended in failure Sophia had gone to her garden to think about everything and was soon found by Iga who secretly wanted to get in her favor in the hopes of getting her to change the rules, however Sophia was a bit skeptic of him as he told her that inorder to make things better some things need to be changed and that he was once Cordelia lover and he knows that if she was alive she'd agree after living a loveless marriage but she fired back revealing to him that she was a direct descendant from Cordelia and that her father revealed to her that although Cordelia did marry a man she didn't love, she was still happy because of the children she had and the family who were there for her before her death.

After some time she and Iga began some small talk and she began to warm up to him and even allowed him to rest his head on her lap while she hummed a light tune. For 3 months Iga visited Sophia more and more and after some time she began to realize that she was developing feelings for him but she couldn't bring herself to tell him after learning she might be put in an arranged marriage but after telling him Iga was reminded of Cordelia and begged Sophia to for once in her life do something because she wants to which resulted in her kissing him but regretting it soon after he somewhat rejected her.

After some time being alone she and Iga talked again and she was a bit taken aback when he suggested that they try to be together in the hopes that their friendship would become something more after a month the two soon began talking more and more about the possibility of becoming lovers and after some time she accepted him and the two consummated their love.

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