Third generation

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Name meaning: Halo 

Nicknames: dragon boy, fake dragon

Age: 20s

Species: human


Status: deceased 

Gender: male

Parents: Leif (adoptive father) Grania (adoptive mother)

Siblings: Oribel (foster brother)

Mate: Nyx (almost, never marked)

Children: none

Other family: Aadhan (foster grandfather) Epoh ( foster grandmother) Tarazed (foster grandfather)

Personality: a cheerful and down to earth child, Helo cared very Helo cared deeply for his brother and always followed him everywhere, he also seemed to have a strong level of attachment as he was known to fall in love too fast, Helo believe in kindness is the answer to grief.

Bio: Helo was born to an unknown woman who was mentally unstable, feeling as though she couldn't protect her son she took him into the woods and left him in a rose bush, thinking the thorns would protect him but instead the thorns slowly dug into his skin and left him with vine like markings, he would soon be found by Grania who was shocked to see that someone would just leave their baby in a dangerous place and so she took him and he was raised alongside her son Oribel. Despite not being a dragon he was deeply loved by his parents and was very close to his brother Oribel as the two were always together, because of his naive nature he would often fall in love with random girls and would try to win their affection but would be rejected because he wasn't a dragon and was only respected because he was Leif adopted son, despite this he was always happy and would respect their harsh rejections.

Once he reached adulthood he began to travel more with Oribel since he longed to see what the world had to offer and was always captivated by the things he saw. During their usual travel he and Oribel were wandering and soon found a female dragon weeping near the river, overwhelmed with his desire to help her he approached her but was held back by Oribel as she told them she didn't want them there, however Helo insisted that they meant no harm and simply wanted a place to temporarily sleep, when she calmed down she told them her name was Nyx, after gazing at her Helo became awestruck by her and wanted to be closer to her despite the fact that she told him many times that she didn't want him near her. After 6 weeks of visiting her he finally began to earn her trust but Oribel would constantly tell him to give up on her as many other dragons wanted to get ride of him because they all wanted her, but he insisted that what he felt for Nyx was different from the other girls and deep down he knows that he loves her and wants to be there for her because he can see that she's just sad and needs comfort. 

After 3 years of spending time with her he finally was able to get Nyx to like him and one night the two made love in secret and they promised they'd be lovers, a few months later they learned that Aadhan had been possessed and he was warned by Leif to escape to a safe place, however during that time he was separated from Oribel and Nyx, without them the dragons who were jealous of him quickly took this as an opportunity and decapitated him and left his body to be found by his family and Nyx.

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