Part ten [family]

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Slipping into the orphanage cafeteria your rubbed sleep from your face. Being late was not an uncharacteristic thing for you so nobody batted an eye at your arrival five minutes after the breakfast began.

However, as soon as you walked into the room you could feel an unusual kind of tension. The kids were quieter, hushed whispers more than excited laughs bubbling between them.

With knitted eyebrows, you walked over to your usual table and sat down on your chair next to Daiki.

"Did something...happen?" You asked, picking up your chopsticks and uncovering your meal.

Megumi looked around in discomfort. "Yeah..." He simply said. "You know there was a kid that got adopted like a year ago."

You nodded your head and pushed some rice into your mouth.

"He got...returned."

You choked on your food, looking up at the boy with a shocked expression. "How? What happened-?"

Toothly scratched the back of her head. Her hair has grown out after years of not cutting and was now tangled into two messy braids. "Apparently the parents knew that he had a severe case of OCD but still decided to take him in." She paused to let out a short whistle and a loll of her head in a tic before continuing "From what we know it was 'too much for them'"

Daiki next to you stirred, his expression morphing into a deep scowl. "Ugh, I hate these kinds of people the most. Using others like some kind of dolls to flaunt and then throw away."

You gently grasped the boy's hand, giving him a reassuring look as he sighed, the expression of anger present on his face morphing into that of tiredness.

"From what I've heard he has been crying since the morning," Toothly whispered.

"Well, he shouldn't have gotten so attached to them." Yuki huffed. Their dark straight hair grew out through the years although the cut was relatively the same. Only the dark rings bounding their joints becoming more pronounced.

"Yuki!" Megumi gasped offended. "That's an awful thing to say!"

They shrugged. "It's true though. Everyone in this room should know by now that adoptive parents are going to pick and choose who they decide to take in." Your whole table stilled in discomfort. "Whether they pick based on looks, ability, quirk, or whatever."

"That's not true," Toothly muttered, looking at Yuki with a helpless face.

"Oh, it is." They stated, turning to the brunette. "We are like products Toothly, they take us and once they spot a defect, it gets too challenging or they get bored they throw us away."

Silence fell amongst your group until Megumi tried to once again resail the conversation.

"You know, on the good side two other kids got adopted today." He smiled awkwardly.

"Great, can't wait till they get returned," Yuki muttered.

Megumi's angry fist slammed against the table effectively hushing the entire cafeteria. You've never seen him like this, his usual upbeat and calm expression now molded in pure anger as he stared daggers at the kid sitting directly across. Yuki mimicked that rage perfectly, starting right back into his optics with their arms crossed.

The staring contest continued for a solid ten seconds before Yuki huffed angrily and pushed the half-eaten tray of food away from them. "I'm not hungry anymore." The ravenette muttered and hopped down from their chair.

They stormed out of the room, leaving the other kids to whisper amongst each other and glance at you guys with confused looks.

Megumi turned to Toothly and placed his hand on her head in comfort, she looked up at him with weary eyes.

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