Part twenty nine [monsters like red]

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TW: Death, guns, quite a bit of gore

For the rest of your time in confinement, you couldn't stop the erratic beating of your heart as it thundered on through the blur of hours passed in absolute darkness.

That wasp.

The necklace.

Whatever it was there was no way it was malicious.

Something would have happened by now if it was somehow connected to the facility staff and therefore evil. Someone would have come for you. But they didn't. In fact, when you were let out you were told to go for your standard doctor's meeting to take part in your usual experiments.

There was no yelling or distressed guards, there was also no talk of inappropriate quirk usage which meant that whatever the wasp was it was not caught.

You felt almost giddy.

It was such a strange feeling to experience.

You followed the red-clad soldier through the dusty hallways and down a familiar path to the hospital wing.

When you entered it was just you and the doctor. She was the one that cut off your head before, till this day it was all you could associate her with. Her experiments were also the reason why your quirk was altered to preserve the body parts after they were cut off.

You could only imagine how much money they made off of you.

She turned to face you, abandoning a stack of papers by lousily dropping them on the chipped office desk.

Her features were ones you never got to ponder over much. Not that there was a lot to think about. She had the most standard face, all round and unassuming, you wouldn't glance twice at her on the street.

In part that was what made her so scary.

She looked so plain that when her face twisted into an animalistic snarl upon seeing you it was like the entire world flipped on its head.

Suddenly her features were sharp, blue eyes like daggers peering through the thin streaks of well-kept chestnut hair. It was as if she yearned to skin you alive just by the force of her stare alone, the blood on her once white doctor's coat didn't help much.

As if sensing your apprehension towards her the doctor's face relaxed, pulling her lips into a haphazard smile that didn't reach very far. Her eyes stayed the same though like she wasn't aware she was glaring.

"Well look who it is. The champion of the coliseum, the one and only, 572..." she mused. "It feels as if just yesterday you were a sniveling little kid standing here before me."

"I'm not a coliseum champion..." You denied despite the tightness in your throat that kept insisting on staying silent. "333 is..."

The doctor barked out a humorless laugh. "Not for long. With how fast you're advancing you'll be at the top in no time."

" No, even if we fight I don't plan on winning."

Her glare sharpened almost instantly at your denial. "And here we have the problem 572, you're getting arrogant, aren't you?"

You swallowed trying to focus on the faint mole next to her nose and not on those two soul-sucking eyes. "I don't know what you mean."

"Oh, you know." She hisses and walked over to you in a few brisk steps. You resisted the urge to flinch backward. "I knew you were going to be in trouble because of that quirk of yours, still I wasn't expecting you to be...this much of a roadblock." Her eyebrows pinched. "Well, I suppose I could call you a double-edged sword."

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